Chapter 13: Encounter and Plan

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"What is going on Bipper? Come back outside." The lookalike smiles eerily at Bipper. Bipper looks at the lookalike and he relaxes a bit.

"Coming Wirt." Bipper starts to walk towards him but was interrupted by the real Wirt.

"Bipper you can't seriously take this version of me over the real me, right?" Wirt was still in disbelief. Bipper frowns.

"Of course I'll take this version of you over you anyday. He supports me, encourages me to do what I like, and doesn't make up rules." Bipper flies above Wirt and goes to the lookalike.

"He looks like a doll!"

"You look like an idiot. Go before I make you."

"No way Bipper, I'm staying here until you go back to the Mill."

"This is the Mill! And this is my new home! I'm not leaving my paradise for your fucked up reality!" Bipper rushes out of the house with the lookalike, joining the others. Wirt followed, he needed to make sure Bipper was safe and he needed to get him home. But he skidded to a halt when he saw all of them were there with button eyes and eery smiles.

"Oh my god..." Wirt scans the crowd, "They all look like puppets! Well except Max," Wirt looks at the real Max, "No offense but you look the same."

"It's fine, besides he looks just like me! It's cool!" Max goes to the copy and they mirror each other. Creepy. Bipper's voice cuts through the crowd.

"Leave us alone, deer head! Just got home." Bipper was tired of Wirt's insistence, he was just ready to burn him alive. Wirt steps closer.

"Bipper just come home, you belong at the Mill with us, not in this illusion with them." Wirt holds out his hand, "Come on Bipper."

Bipper had a short moment of hesitance but smacked his hand, "No way! They like me here!" Coraline crawls to Wirt and picks him up, "Throw him out." Bipper commands. Coraline just nods and obeys his command. Wirt yelled at her to let him go but to no avail.

Bipper watches as they walk away, a bit disappointed in Wirt's childish behavior. The lookalike of Wirt puts a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry that fake acted that way, you know we won't treat you that way, right?"

"Of course I know, you guys are too perfect for those childish fits." Bipper smiles at the Wirt, "Let's keep destroying some stuff, I think the pub started to rebuild."

Wirt yells out in frustration as he sat in the same room he had entered the other world in, "Why doesn't he understand? Why doesn't he see it? They're just using him for some plan!" Wirt was frustrated and considered just leaving Bipper there to rot away. Max pats his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

Star walks into the room with Marco, "Hey Wirt, what's wrong?"

"I found Bipper and tried to bring him back but he refused to cooperate." Wirt grumbles in frustration, his emotions taking over like this wasn't good as the room started to darken. Marco growls at the dark surrounding them and bites at the branches growing near them.

"W-Wirt.." Finn looks at Wirt. Wirt's eyes were flashing pink, yellow, blue over and over as he looked at Finn. The ice prince gestured to the darkness and overgrowing plant life. The young beast takes deep breaths as the darkness and plants retreat.

"I apologize. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me." Wirt opens his eyes again, back to their natural color instead of flashing or white.

"So don't anger the god of this dimension, got it." Star was a new shade of white. Marco was sniffing and digging at where the plants once were.

"Yes, it's incredibly dangerous, as dangerous as it is to leave Bipper in that puppet world. I don't know why but I sense the results could be fatal if we don't try something." Wirt says, "Alright. Gather around. We need to discuss a plan."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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