Chapter 7: A Needle and Thred

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The room was silent as Frisk finished their explanation with silent signs. "So you were in a video game, then a demon child joined you, and now you're stuck here because this world isn't a game." Frisk nods, "Great planning on your half really." Bipper said sarcastically. Frisk huffs and turns away.

"Both of you stop, I'm already getting a headache from having this many people in the house." Wirt pinches the bridge of his nose before standing, "I sense something else has appeared in the forest, you all stay here and don't touch anything." Wirt exits the house.

The group was silent for a bit before Bipper said jokingly, "Let's touch everything." Frisk shook their head in disagreement and signed to them that Wirt was stronger than any other being they've come across. "How powerful can that deer wannabe be?" Frisk signed the events that took place in the forest.

"You tried to kill him? Oh my." Star scoots away from Frisk and everyone else, Marco following her.

"Don't act like that witch girl! Your demon boyfriend murdered people at a ball!" Bipper glares at her.

"Well at least he didn't try attacking Wirt for, what was it? Love?" Frisk shakes their head and signs love in all caps, "...Right, anyways." The room fell silent again.

"Welp. I'm gonna go explore. Cya." Bipper gets up and stuffs his hands in his pockets before wandering off.

The house was much bigger on the inside than the outside. The corridors went on for seemingly forever. Bipper peaked into every room, only to be disappointed with the results of most of them. Then he came across a room that was entirely empty apart from a table with a key and a small door at the other end of the room.

Bipper connects the pieces and takes the key then unlocks the door, perfect fit. The door swings open and all there was was a giant foamy tube leading down. There was nothing better to do so why not, and Bipper could handle himself, he's an all powerful demon and burned his world down for god's sake!

The demon sits on the foamy cloth and slides down the tube. When he reached the bottom, he came across the attic from the Mystery Shack. No one was in there but there was a noise from downstairs. Bipper travels his way down and discovered the Pines family, his mom, his dad, Mable, and even the twins. They all look at him with eerie smiles, and button eyes.

(Authors note! Sorry for not posting on Monday, my life has been hectic with school life, specifically me being lazy as heck.)

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