Chapter 10: Delusional Boy Or Honest Demon?

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A few days have gone by since Bipper found the tunnel. He brushed it off as his imagination until he found a doll that looked exactly like him apart from it being made of fabric and the eyes were buttons.

It had to be related to the tunnel he saw. No no, that was just a figment of his imagination. He was sure it wasn't real and he was just crazy. Even though the doll was creepy and weird, Bipper felt compelled to keep it with him, for safekeeping, he thought.

"Bipper why do you have a doll with you." Wirt sighs, "Put it back, I don't want you ruining it."

"But it looks like me," Bipper shows him the doll, "Maybe I was meant to keep it..." Bipper stares at the doll.

"Bipper this is the Unknown, things happen for unknown reasons, and it's best to leave that doll alone, it's probably just a coincidence it looks like you." Wirt takes the doll and puts it back onto the shelf. "Now leave it there, we don't need that doll in our lives." The older boy walks away.

Bipper watches him walk off. He stood there, thinking, now he must be crazy, first the tunnel, then the doll, and now he wants to keep it right after being told to leave it alone. Who are we kidding, this is Bipper, he does what he wants. The half demon grabs the toy and scurries off to his room before he could be caught.

"Alright you weird doll, you have something to do with that tunnel I saw a few days ago. You show me that the tunnel is real and I'll take good care of you." Bipper puts the doll down.


Bipper had stayed in his room a majority of the day and talked to the doll about living in the mill. But it was at night when the weird stuff started happening. Bipper never slept at night unless he fainted from lack of sleep. He laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling, when something moved out of the corner of his eye.

Bipper sits up and sees the doll walking out of the room. The boy gets up quickly and follows the doll to the small door, the doll falls in front of the door suddenly, like it wasn't alive just a second ago. The demon opens the door to see that the tunnel has returned, the same as it was before.

(Author's note! I post when I want now adjfsudhjndg-)

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