Chapter 3: Prince of Ice Emerges

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"So many worlds!" Finn stood above the green portal, the Lich standing behind him with a devious plan in mind, "What shall we do first with his power bud? Travel to different worlds? Send items there to mess with everyone? Or should we freeze it all?" The last question was followed but a puff of icy breath.

"You will die, every limb will be torn apart and you will be sent to every universe." The Lich said, grabbing Finn's robotic arm, "Let's start with this." He ripped the arm off and dropped Finn onto the frozen ground.

Finn was terrified, he trusted the Lich and now he was going to tear him apart. All that was racing through his mind was escape. He launched himself above the portal and grabbed his gem before plunging into the green goop.

He awoke next to a lake with little coy fish swimming through. "Freeze it." Was all that echoed through his mind, it was the crown, the crown always told him what to do, he could trust the crown.

Finn extended his arm towards the pond, his hand widened as he prepped to freeze it. The moment his hand was an inch away from the water, it froze, that was typical. He smiled down at the frozen fish, the crown activating its own power and causing a bit of snow to appear. The snow was his sense of comfort considering what he just escaped.

Finn slides onto the ice and to the middle of the pond, giggling a little on his way there. He gets up once in the middle and looks around, it was peaceful, here at this little pond. The crown spoke to him again, "Freeze everything and become this worlds ice prince." That sounded nice. The sound of snow crunching came from behind him.

Finn turned around quickly to see who was there. There was a boy with antlers and one that had cat eyes. Huh. Weirdos. Thinks the one who has blue skin and is floating over ice in ripped jeans.

The three exchange words between one another, Finn acting like a lunatic and almost freezing them, thinking they were after his crown. Bipper uses his fire to melt the surrounding since it was getting too cold for him. Finn had stopped immediately when he saw the fire. So warm, so nice. Finn got closer to the fire but backed away again when Bipper made it disappear.

"The fire. He likes fire." Wirt says, "Bring the fire back up, he seems to like it." The eldest of the three says to the youngest. Bipper reluctantly listens to him and holds out the fire. Finn gets closer and watches the fire with interest, his figure relaxing and the snow melting away.

(Authors note! Chapters will be coming out more frequently because I have 6 chapters already done in google docs, so I've shorten the days from 20 to 10. So the next chapter will be here October 7th)

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