Chapter 5: A Demon and A Witch

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Star had just performed another spell from Eclipsa's chapter in the spell book, the power of the spells were exhilarating, she couldn't get enough of it. But soon enough, that need for the power corrupted both the wand and Star. She had changed entirely, her magic no longer as exciting as one would think, her mind shifted entirely as all she could think of was power.

But in order for one to gain power, one must have subjects that would follow them, and so Star kept up her old personality in order to have people trust her, like her, adore her. Then the Blood Moon Ball and Marco followed secretly. Everything had played out like it should've, Marco and Star under the spotlight, Tom getting pissed off.

But. Because of Star's change, she didn't freeze Tom, she didn't stop him, she let him curse Marco into becoming a demon. The problem here was, when a mortal gets cursed by a demon to become one, they are uncontrollable and savage. The entire party was ruined and Star let the chaos rain down for a bit before chaining Marco to an indestructible chain. The consequence, though, of her not doing anything sooner when she had that power, made Tom suspicious, forcing her to reveal herself.

That was the last night anyone had ever heard of Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz, as both of them were teleported to a random dimension to escape Eclipsa like punishment. This new dimension seemed to take place in the forest, Marco stayed close to Star because she was the only thing familiar to him, he was still in frenzy mode though so he had trouble stabilizing himself. Star kneels down next to him and pets his hair softly.

They both had remained quiet as Star pet him and silently calmed him down. The silence and calmness was ruined when Wirt had appeared. Star immediately got up and blocked Marco's view of Wirt so he doesn't ripe his leg off, "Stat your name and purpose to approaching us."

"My name? I should be asking your name as you are intruding in my woods." Wirt's bullshite meter went off the charts as he had to deal with a half demon in a priest costume, an ice prince, a murderous child, and now a teenager with a weird wand and demon in a sombrero.

"Oh, we we? Well I apologize, if you could lead us out that would be great." Star's defenses lowered as she realized that fighting with Wirt wouldn't be good considering she was lost in the woods and she didn't want to make people not trust her already. Wirt had nodded in agreement and lead them to where Frisk was, near the exit of the woods where the mill would be.

Marco and Star had reluctantly followed and Frisk and hesitantly agreed to cooperate. The four of them marched back to the mill and Wirt got them all settled down as he sat down and massaged his temples, "I'm digging myself a deep hole and I ain't getting out."

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