Chapter 12: New Discoveries

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When Bipper sealed the deal, he stayed there, he would eat there, sleep there, and soon everything he saw and did there became a norm. Everyone was there to help him conquer a village or scare pedestrians. It was fun, it was home.

But the longer he stayed, the more insistent they got with sewing buttons into his eyes. Offers at the dinner table, offers when roaming the forest. It was getting annoying.


Meanwhile in the Unknown, everyone had written him off as dead or just gone home. Wirt was assuming death since no one can get home without the assistance of the beast or an encounter with them to push you out.

Max goes over to Wirt and tugs at his cape, the older boy looks down at the younger one, "Yes, Max?" Max holds up the doll that looked like Bipper, Wirt's eyes widen, "Where did you find that?" The brainwashed boy leads him to the room with the tiny door.

"It was laying in front of the door. I tried opening it but it was locked." Max tugs at the door again, locked.

"Not for long." Wirt makes a few sturdy branches rise up and yank the door away from the wall. Instead of bricks, there was the tunnel. Wirt stares at the tunnel, "Was this what Bipper was talking about?" Wirt touches the fabric gently.

Coraline could feel the tunnel being touched and she turned to look in the direction of the fake Mill. Bipper saw her sudden redirection of attention and floated near her, "What's up?"

"Someone is coming from your world." Coraline answers. She goes back to the mill quickly, Bipper following behind her.

Meanwhile Wirt and Max had just slide down the tunnel and were in awe of the surroundings, they shook off the awe and started to search for Bipper, calling out his name, making offers and promises, how Coraline convinced him.

Coraline sneaks in through an open window and crawls onto the roof like a spider, Bipper following but was soon to be bait. Coraline watches Wirt and Max call for him and look around in distress, it's pitiful how they think he'll go back with them. Bipper scoffs quietly, "Let's go back Coraline." He whispers.

Coraline stops him from leaving and pushes him down to the floor, a loud thud following and causing the two to look at Bipper. "Bipper! There you are." Wirt runs over to him and checks for injuries. Bipper pushes him off.

"Stop acting like you care branches for brains." Bipper rolls his eyes.

"I do care Bipper, come back with us." Wirt pulls him up. Bipper gets up and shoves him away again.

"No way in hell do I wanna go with you!" Bipper backs away.

"And why not?" Wirt was getting annoyed. But was soon shocked to see a lookalike walk into the room.

(I swear I'm not dead)

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