Part 1

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Y/N's pov
Hey I'm Y/N. When you were little you probably dreamt of having a superpower, being ultra fast, super strong... Why am I taking about this? I have one of these superpowers. I'm invisible. Have I interested you? Fine, then more about that. I'm actually not invisible when I want, I mean other people totally ignore me, except my family and my friend Sasha. We are the two girls who everyone think that we're weird so they basically pretend we don't exist. When I was younger it bothered me so much but now I don't care. Well someone notices me, the Gunnarsen twins, Marcus and Martinus. Martinus is okay I guess? We've never talked much, but I totally hate Marcus and he hates me too or I think so. He always have to make jokes of me and bother me. And next thing he calls me 'Visi' because I'm invisible. I'd kill him for that. Also he thinks how big boss he is because he gets every girl he wants, but he dated just a few and with other just had fun. And the worst thing? Gunnarsens and my parents are such big friends. So we are hiking with them and other 'funny' stuff. It's pretty hard because I'm the only child in our family so when we're with Gunnarsens their parents always tell them to spend time with me which bothers me so much because they use it to just make fun of me, and it's not the fun in friendly way. Well except I'm basically invisible I'm weird in another way too, but not about this topic now. I live in small town somewhere on the end of Norway called Trofors. I've always wanted to live in big city, where are big shopping centers, where I could hang out with friends and buy new clothes and not travel once a time to Oslo or just order clothes on internet which can't be always perfect. Well let's get into my normal life again. I'm walking now to my school. I'm in high school already. I met Sasha. "Hey." "Hi, ready for another 'amazing' day in school?" She rolled eyes. "Yeah totally." I sat down in my place where I sit and prepared for the lesson. Teacher I've never seen walked to the class. She's new. Suddenly I felt something hitting be from behind. 'Another teacher who'll hate you Visi?' I read. Ugh Gunnarsen again. But he's right every teacher hates me or don't like me. Why? Because I'm just the person who don't like to be active and visible in class, I just sit there write notes and I'm quiet. "So class I'm mrs. Braun and I will teach you English. And because I don't know you, you'll tell me your name. So let's start there." They started tell her name when I was about to tell my name. "My name is-" "Visi!" Marcus shouted from behind. "Visi? Is it true?" She walked over to me. I knew if I say truth Marcus and his gang would bully me. I swallowed hard. "Yes." "Well I was looking who is in this class and there's no Visi." Oh shit! I have to play it somehow. "Because I'm not written here." My voice started to shake. "Okay, come to my cabinet after lesson okay?" I nodded nervous, breathing heavily. She continued with asking about us. Great! I didn't even have a chance to prove her I'm not as others think.

Marcus's pov
Hahah ridiculous Visi. School sucks but I love to go there just because of her, I can make fun of her and that makes me always feel better. More than making out with some girls. Yeah girls are like just objects for me on which I can have fun and let it go, except Y/N. She's special. And when I say special it means I can bother her and annoy her and make fun of her but I've never made out with her, which makes her the one of just a little girls in our grade who haven't had anything with me. But to be honest I don't even want it that much.

Y/N's pov
Now it's break and I'm slowly walking to cabinet of mrs. Braun. I can swear she'll be yelling at me or psychically assaulting me. Or she'll be just killing me by glance. I knocked. "Come in." I opened door and walked nervously inside. "Tell me your real name." "I told you it's Visi..." "There's no one around 10km around who's name is Visi. Take a seat." She said when she looked how I was standing nervous by door. I sat down. "So? Why you don't want to tell me your name?" "Mrs. Braun I- I can't." "They bully you?" "No!" "You knew exactly who I meant... Impressive, don't tell me you're mind reader." I started to breathe so heavily. "Tell me truth Y/N. I won't tell anyone I swear." "How-?" "Well let's say I remembered everyone from class so his/her name too so that one which lasted is yours. And now tell me truth." "You don't hate me?" "Why should I?" "Everyone on this school who notices me hates me, except my best friend, Sasha." "Why?" "Because I'm basically different." "Different in which way?" "Why should I tell you? You're probably playing something on me to destroy me later." I stood up and walked away from class.

Mrs. Braun's pov
Well I guess it'll be pretty hard to get to know Y/N. She's not opened person, but she has to trust me, I want to help her. I let her go, she has to calm down.

Y/N's pov
Fucking teacher! Now I'll be late for my class. I went inside but as always teacher haven't recognized I haven't been there. I sat down on my seat and wrote notes.
Finally when the school is over I ran home. "How was your day?" Parents smiled to me. "Fine." "We have so amazing and exciting news for you." "We are moving? Oh wait no. Mom you're pregnant?"

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