Part 18

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Y/N's pov
"Someone's famous." He smirked. "Wtf this is weird. Fans? I'm just other girl who started to make her dream come true..." He chuckled as he turned on Netflix. He sat down on that chair again and handed me the remote controller. I chose some comedy. He was moving in the chair trying to get comfortable. I laughed and moved more to edge. "Come. I don't have anything plugged in myself I have just broken ribs, leg, arm and a bit burned face." I laughed and looked to him. "Please." He hesitated a lot. I saw he's fighting against himself.

"Omg stop playing shy girl." I rolled eyes and dragged him up. He put his shoes down. I positioned the bed so we were half sitting half lying. I laid my head on his shoulder and watched. I was acting like we were couple. Which we are not. And we won't be. After the mistake with James I don't want to risk although it turned out to be good. I'd stop loving him and what? He'll be hurt and he'll bully me again. Wait he haven't even asked me out and I'm thinking about all these things? Im seriously surprised I haven't planned a wedding. I rolled eyes to myself. I can flirt with him and have fun like if we are in relationship but I can't let this happen again. His hand accidentally touched mine sending weird electricity into my body. This is weird I've never felt anything similar even with James no...

Whole day we spend together, watching movies and laughing together. Now it is evening I saw that's dark outside and still is raining and it's typical summer storm. I jerked a little. I'm not afraid of storm but I sometimes just jerk when flash appears on sky. "You're scared?" He whispered. "No." I whispered back but still moved closer to him. He put blanket on me and hugged me around waist. He gently put his head into my neck and slowly fell asleep. When I knew he's sleeping for sure I put a blanket over him too, today was kinda cold. I put my arm under his neck and took his head into my arm while stroking through his hair. Tomorrow I'll maybe can go home...

And then everything will come back how it used to be. I kissed his forehead and then slowly fell asleep.The nightmare was again here. Falling somewhere and a boy catching me. "Y/N don't be afraid, I'm still here..." I just heard a voice. "Who the hell are you? You're saving me every time and I don't even know you!" He looked right to me and his face unblurred. "Marcus? Every time..." "I haven't told you yet but I love you, I will very soon, please give me a chance." "And if it ends like with James? You'll bully me again." "I won't."

I felt a hand stroking my cheek. I opened eyes and they immediately met with two hazelnut ones. "Y/N are you okay?" He looked caring into my eyes. "Again the nightmare?" "Some kind of." "You were mumbling from sleep." "Sorry I woke you up." "Don't worry about it." He continued staring at me making me uncomfortable because of his glance. I felt like a prey caught by predator. He had still hand on my very sensitive skin. I don't know what to do and I know what I don't want to do and it's crying in front of him. I'm afraid of having him but I'm more afraid of losing him. "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing." "Come on."

"Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking about, I just still don't know if I can trust you. I'm not sure about anything now." "Take your time. I'll prove you, you can trust me." He laid back next to me facing me. I haven't seen into his face but I can guess he was probably sad. "I'm sorry Marcus." He stroked my cheek carefully. "Y/N I know I did a mistakes, hundreds of them. I was so dumb and careless. I don't know how could I treat you that bad. I apologize. I know you can't forgive me from hour to hour. It is just impossible. I'll give you time and space you need." He slowly started to sit down. "Hell no boy you ain't going anywhere." I pulled him back and hugged him by my healthy arm.

I heard amused exhale as he hugged me and then we both finally fell asleep. When I woke up and I was alone. What?! He ran away after all the things he told me? That he'll prove me I can trust him etc. I had tears in eyes. I'd never cried because if boy I don't know what the hell is happening with me now. I dried my eyes and tried to don't sob. Door opened and there stood doctor. He checked me. "Seems like you can go home today." He smiled and I smiled a tiny smile back. He gave me some pills I'll have to use for next 3 weeks and left.

I couldn't believe that Marcus actually left me. What I thought?! Of course he'd leave me omg how could I be so dumb? I sat down and tried to stood up to floor. This is harder than I thought. I had still the weird hospital uniform on. Shit I don't have my normal clothes here... I slipped on floor and started to fall down. I caught myself by my healthy arm by bed. "What the hell are you doing?" I turned head and saw Marcus. "I don't know. Trying to get home?!" "Why you haven't waited? I'd help you." "I thought..."

"You really thought I'd leave you? After doctor said you can finally go home? I just after so many days changed my clothes and got a breakfast. Crazy girl." He helped me to stood up. "Your mom left a clothes for you here." He gestured to table. Shit I'm so dumb. I took it and limped to bathroom. I struggled with everything. I thought shorts will be the easiest thing but actually it was the hardest. Finally I was normally dressed again. I looked to mirror. "Oh shit!" "What happened?" "You saw my fucking face?!"

"Yes every day." This boy has to be totally blind, because if he wants me even I look like a tomato monster he's totally not normal. "Come I got instructions from doc." "I ain't going anywhere with face like this!" Holy fuck I can't face him. "I know you're anxious about your face but it will be alright. You're still beautiful." "I look like a fucking tomato!" "But a cute tomato. Come on get out so we can get home."  I really wanted to go home yeah that's the reason I stepped out not because he called me cute no... I stepped out of bathroom. He took my things by his right arm and his left wrapped around my waist helping me to walk. "I haven't called parents..." "How you think I got my clothes? By post? My dad is here." "Okay." I smelled his scent mixed with clean clothes. Gosh this is the best smell ever. We went out of hospital and I immediately got blind by flashing cameras. "What the fuck?!" I hid my face. "Come faster." He quickly hid me into car and closed door. "What was that?!" "I think your fans are so curious about you." Kjelle smiled.

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