Part 7

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Y/N's pov
I did it! I have my driving license! Since yesterday tho but I'm still so happy so I almost jumped to school and even more happy I was that I knew that me and twins became kinda 'friends' and not enemies. So no embarrassing me or pushing me into the fresh snow while choking me by the snow. I sat down into my class next to Sasha. "Hi Y/N." She smiled. "Girrrrrl?" "Yeah?" "Guess...." "What?" She jumped into my sentence. "Let me finish my sentence. Guess who has driving license!" "Aaaaaaa girl that's so amazing!" She literally jumped around. I laughed. "Haha Sasha stop."

The day seemed to be long as hell. When the bell rang, announcing the end of school I literally ran out of the building when I stumbled over someone's foot. "Why such a hurry Visi?" Marcus. I knew he will never be the 'good' one. "Fuck off." He looked shocked because he expected me to cry and blame him and telling him that I thought we're friends and blah blah blah. But I knew he can't be nice. Yes I like to remember the weekend, the days when he was so nice to me and laughing with me but that's past. It won't happen again. I just went home. "Lonely Visi huh?" Okay he's getting in my nerves just one more thing and- "Yo Visi searching for friends?" Okay that's fucking enough! I turned to him and smiled silly. He looked confused. I slapped him all over his face. "And just stop!" I walked fastly home terrified that he'd push me or something. "Hi Y/N." "Hi Dad where's my baby?" "Already on track, the trainer said that if everything's go well you could go to some competition when Spring starts." "That's in 3 weeks!" "Yeah. It'd be competition with some people in your age. And you'd have your own team." "Wow." "So c'mon let's go." We sat down in the car and dad drove me to big circuit.

We walked over to some man who looked like he's around 35. I felt nervousness shaking my body. "Hello I'm Dean and you must be Y/N." He offered me hand and I shook it. "Yes I'm. Nice to meet you." "The pleasure is all mine now let's talk about how much you can do. I heard you got your driving license yesterday." "That's right." "So we looked at your kitty, dad bought you and it is in great condition to drive it so." He gave me helmet. "What?! Any advices ?" "Don't drive too fast in the begging." I put my helmet down and walked to place where my car was. "Meet your luckily new team!" I looked to two boys and a girl all of them maybe year older than me. "They'll help you with your car, basically they are your car mechanics. And they'll keep you focused in competitions." "Oh wow." "Anyways I hope you'll become friends." He smiled. "You have 5 minutes and then I want to see you drive." "Okay." Dean was probably very energetic. I finally got to look at the people who were slowly walking towards me. Ugh I hate meeting new people and the awkward begging sentences. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I'll let you with them Y/N, okay?" I didn't even realize that dad was still here. "Okay." He went away. "Uhm. I'm Henna, nice to meet you Y/N." "I'm Jack." "And I'm James." "Jack and James... That's nice. How long you know each other?" I looked to them curious and saw how Jack wrapped his arm around Henna. "We study all together technology with specification to cars already third year now." I swallowed. "So you're 17/18?" "17. How you got here? I mean driving and stuff." James looked at me. "That's a long story." I had to smile when I thought about it. "I'd like to hear." Omg I already love his smile. "Well-" "Y/N get into car." "Yes dad." I dressed my coverall and sat down in the car and boys checked my car when they put thumbs up that everything's okay. I slowly pressed pedal and the car started to move. I love that sound of motor. I slowly rode through the whole circuit so I could get to know it and then pushed pedal down to floor. The motor started to yell and I loved how adrenaline pumped in my body. I was driving I don't even know how long and then they signalized that I should ride back to box. I carefully parked and now I recognized that I'm sweaty as hell. I got away from the car and put my helmet down as I heard clapping. "Wow." I turned around and my hair swung in the air. "That was awesome." I faced James. I blushed. "Anyways Dean wants to talk with you and then I'd really like to know the story of your driving so do you want to maybe hang out with us?" "I'd like to if my dad agrees." We went to Dean. "Okay so Y/N your driving skills are pretty good, of course you'll need a training for your competition in 3 weeks." "What?!" I almost yelled. He chuckled. "See you later." He smiled still amused and went away. "Dad? Can I hang out with the guys?" "Guys?" He lifted eyebrow up. "And with Henna too of course." "Okay, call me when I should pick you up." "Thank you so much daddy." I smiled to him and changed my clothes. I heard knock on door. "Yeah?" "Are you ready?" "Just a minute." I put my hair into a bun and looked to mirror. I opened and saw James looking at me and bitting his lip. "Let's go." He suddenly said and we walked somewhere to bistro. I saw through window Henna and Jack making out. It was kinda embarrassing. We walked inside and they stopped. I sat down and we started to talk. They are all so nice. We laughed together and the time flew so fast. Sometimes I accidentally touched James and I don't know why, it gave me shivers. Before I knew it was dark outside. "Sorry guys it was so nice, but I really have to go, school's tomorrow and stuff." I rolled eyes when I mentioned school and they laughed. "We should go too." They walked with me outside. After a while parents picked up Henna together with Jack so I was alone with James. There was awkward silence as I stared to road. It was still winter and strong, cold winter blew around me as I shivered.
"Cold?" " Not much." I said still shivering as hell. "Come on." He put his jacket over me which made him hug me from behind. My heart skipped a beat. He started to pull away, but I loved that warm feeling. "Can you do it again? You kept me warm." He wrapped his arms around me again. I turned around and hugged him. "Y/N wanna go out with me? Like just with me? Like after next training or something?" He started to be extremely red in face.

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