Part 4

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Y/N's pov
"No yelling and questions now! Wanna die? Sit down now!" They sat down and I quickly drove away as I saw the snow behind us. I fastly reached road again, turned the different mode on and slowed down. I felt how the adrenaline is calming down. They all looked so confused and surprised I had to smile. I haven't looked away from road and drove us to cottage. Dad was luckily in big shock so he let me. "Y/N we gotta talk a lot." "Let's talk about it after we arrive to cottage." "Y/N but this is illegal." I heard one of twins. "I really doubt that there are any cops." I said poisoning to him and slowly parked. I turned motor off and walked out of car and realized that I'm still wet as hell. I went upstairs and changed my clothes. "What?!" I heard mom, dad probably told her. God now it'll be yelling at me that it's irresponsible, and how could I do that, and ...I rolled eyes but slowly walked downstairs. "Y/N." My mom hugged me. "So I want an explanation Y/N." Dad gave me hot cocoa and sat me down. I took breath. I could lie but they would find out. I looked down to my hands and cup. " dream was to be a car rider, that's why I wished for the simulator. I was training on it every day and then you one day went somewhere so I got an idea... How it'd be to drive real car? So I sat down and drove. This repeated every time you were away. I was wondering how you still don't know..." I couldn't look to their eyes. "I'm so sorry I know it is illegal and bad for me to 'stole' your car. But it is my big dream." They looked shocked and surprised to me. "Y/N why you haven't told us?" "What?" "Your dream." "I thought you won't allow me that because you'd be scared and..." Dad hugged me. "This was my dream." "Really?" I said surprised. "Yes, you know you're girl, you're doing girly things which you can't share with me, but now you can!" He was so happy. "You're not mad I borrowed your car? And did something illegal? You're just happy?" "We'll talk later." He smiled. "Now go and sleep, good night." "Night daddy, night mom." I kissed their cheeks and went upstairs. "So Visi can drive huh?" Marcus sat down with devilish face. "I saved your live although I'd rather let you under the avalanche. Can't you just let me be?" Of course I didn't expect 'thank you' or something, but they can just shut up. "Hey Visi calm down Marcus just tried to tell you 'thank you for saving us'." Martinus is seriously the nicer one. I mumbled something like 'you are welcome' and laid to my bed. After a while I heard a little snore from the twins bed. They are sleeping, I wish I could fall asleep too...

~after few days~
I wish I could go back to that cottage and not sit at school. My thoughts were just about that two days. I didn't need to focus on lesson I'm invisible for teachers. But suddenly... "Y/N!" I looked to the new teacher shit I forgot I'm probably interesting for her. "What?" "Y/N I told you to find a pair for the next project." I rolled eyes. This teacher is dumb or something? She sees that no one likes me but I'm kinda happy to do projects alone, no one's bothering me. "Wait guys I have better idea, I'll do it using your last names. I can see you have friends there but it's important to know how to work with people with who you don't talk much." "Or she just did it because Visi has no friends." I heard... Marcus of course. These days he's more and more offending me. "Marcus?" "Yeah?" "You'll be with Y/N." I opened mouth. Is this fucking teacher fucking serious?! She gives me to pair someone who bully me?! "But miss." We said both at the same time. "No buts." "Argh I'll kill her." I mumbled to myself. If I had to choose I'd totally choose Martinus, he's kind of cute and totally more kind than Marcus who's all the time playing 'bad boy' and he changes girls faster than socks. The lesson was over and he walked over to me confident. "Listen to me, I'm not really keen on this project and I have another things to do-" "Such as improving your fuckboy status?" He pressed me to lockers. "Visi don't mess with me I'm warning you..." He looked to me dangerously. "I just wanted to tell you that I won't do that project so-" "Omg you idiot I get it. I don't want you to even fuck up my precious work and now go and make out with some random bitch." I pressed him away and went to another lesson of today.
Finally the day ended and I went into work. For what am I saving? A car of course. I can't wait to get a car one day and I'm 16 tomorrow! I'm working in a restaurant as a waitress. Luckily it is kinda expensive so any of my classmates haven't been there. "Y/N." "Yes boss?" "Guess what's tomorrow?" "Ehm big party in here?" "Yeah I guess so, and for who?' "I don't know boss." "Y/N who's hitting 16 tomorrow?" "Me and-" "Of course you! And we reserved whole big hall for you!" "What?! Why?" He answered by smile and went away. That's pretty weird.

~the next day~
I went into school and immediately felt snowball hitting my neck. "Heyoooo Visi! Wanna hang in the afternoon?" Of course they are joking. "You don't remember the cottage?" "Yes but now you are in our habitat." They smirked. "Anyways we tried to be nice, you are 16 today." How? "Oh shut up." I walked fastly to school hearing their laugh behind my back. "You ugly ass you really think someone will remember?" I turned and looked right into Marcus's eyes. "Then why you remember huh?" He shut up and I fastly walked to school.

Marcus's pov
Y/N went into school and I was shocked, usually she doesn't pay back. Martinus was laughing so hard. "Omg bro." "Stop it." I hit him gently to chest. "Gosh why you remember her birthday?" Maybe because my mom told me, maybe because I want to be her friend, maybe because I'm still thankful for my life to her.... "I don't know mom told me." "Oh okay." We went into school. "Hola papi." Oh Maria, this girl is sexy as hell, well she's foreigner, she has wavy long dark hair. She's a lot around me, but we haven't had sex yet I'm wondering why? Oh I remember her parents don't let her go to any parties so I basically haven't had opportunity to hook up with her. "Hi." She smiled sexily and went away teasing me. I ran to her and took her by waist, most girls melt for this. "Do you finally have some free time?" "Maybe." She rubbed her lips gently on my jaw.

Y/N's pov
I couldn't watch it. What? Marcus with that Spanish slut. I went fastly into class. I don't know why I care, okay him and his brother bully me but still... We know each other for so long and I just care. I sat next to Sasha. "Happy birthday Y/N." "Thank you." I smiled warm to her and the school day began. "Oh I forgot to tell you, will you come to my 'party'? My boss reserved big hall for me." "I'd love to." She smiled.

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