Part 14

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Y/N's pov
"You what?" He looked surprised when I heard last warning. "I'm so sorry James." I closed door put my helmet on and drove to the start. In rearview mirror I saw his confused and a bit sad face.This ain't good. I could've done it later. Oh fuck I made it even worse. Why do I have to fuck up everything?! I looked to tower. Sasha was here with my dad. I had tears in eyes and everything was blurred. I dried my eyes. I have one minute til it starts. One minute to calm myself down the best I can. I started to control my breathing. I exhaled. I can do this. I saw flag moving and I pressed pedal to floor.

I started to drive around other cars to get better positions. I saw my worst enemy I made through the races. She started to drive behind me. She tried to drive around me and I tried to block her but I did a mistake because I couldn't focus. I should know she'll go to my way but instead of it I went into hers so she hit me hard with her car. All I saw or felt was how my car is spinning in the air like rollercoaster and then falling down back to ground.

Marcus's pov
I saw ringing phone. It was Martinus's. There was written: Sasha❤️  okay... "Martinus! You have a call!" "Who is it?! I'm showering!" "Sasha!" "Pick it up for me please I'm coming just a minute." I rolled my eyes and picked it up. What I heard was panicking girl yelling something between sobs. "Sasha calm down." "Marcus?" "What happened?" "Y/N she-" she made another sob. She couldn't stop crying. "What's with Y/N?!" I almost yelled to phone because it pissed me off that I couldn't get more information from this crying girl. "She had an car accident on circuit! Her car-"

"Her car?!" "Is in flames." "What?!" "They are taking her by helicopter to hospital." No this can't be true. "To which one?" "I'll send you coordinates." "Okay. Thank you we will be there asap." I hung up and the phone fell from my hands. I ran to bathroom. "What's happening bro?" He asked totally calm. My body was shaking like crazy. "Martinus Y/N-" my voice broke. I couldn't talk. "Y/N?" He smirked a little. "She had a car accident. Her car burnt in flames." "What?!" "She can die any second!" I was shaking his half naked body. "Get dressed you idiot! We have to get into the hospital!" I ran downstairs and asked my parents if they could get me here. I needed to get in here.

When we finally arrived I immediately smelled the smell of hospital I don't like. I sat down next to broken Mr Y/L/N. He looked to me. "It was that bad?" "Marcus you can't even imagine how bad it was." I know seeing your child nearly dying has to hurt as hell. "I'm so sorry. I know this is not enough." He smiled a tiny smile. "You and Martinus got here that means a lot to me and I think to Y/N too. If she-" his eyes filled with tears. "She will. She is strong." We waited and waited when James appeared. Seriously? He was with her on circuit and he got here that late? I looked killing to him.

Y/N's pov
I opened my eyes oh shit my body hurts as hell. I have bandages on my face? Only thing I remember was spinning around in car and then ache, big ache everywhere. Also really hot. Fire. And then I'm here. I looked around me. How long am I here? Doctor entered room. "Hello Y/N." "Doctor I have question." "Yes?" "How long am I here?" "22 hours. Y/N you remember everything?" "Yes." "That's good thanks to that helmet your brain stayed protected and kind of face." "Kind of?!"

I'll be ugly now? "Don't worry just the skin is really sensitive now and red but in face It'll be alright very soon. You'll have the bandages with special balsam for next 2 hours and then I'll have a look at it. Oh and outside is waiting big group of boys. Can they some in?" I had to smile a little. "Sure." I hardly breathe because of the bandages I had around my chest. I heard running. James... Suddenly I saw two boys in door pushing each other to get first here. James and Marcus?! What the hell he's doing here? I coughed and it made them stop. "I'd like to talk with James first please Marcus." James smiled winningly and Marcus nodded as he went outside. He sat next to me.

"James I still mean what I said." I was trying to breathe normally but my chest hurt. "Actually I wanted to tell you something too. I cheated on you too 3 days before today." "What?" "I am sorry Y/N." "No it is exactly the same day as I did that to you. I was so afraid you'll be heartbroken and mad and sad and everything." "It is okay. I guess both of us wanted something different." "I agree. Can we still be friends?" "Of course." He smiled and wanted to pull me into hug. "James I have broken ribs I don't think this is good idea." I smiled. "Oh sorry. Just last question. You cheated on me with Marcus." "Yeah I was on party and drunk." "Same with me lol were kinda similar." He chuckled. "Bye I'll visit you." He winked.

"Could you tell Marcus that if he still wants he can go here please?" "Of course." I laid head onto pillow and sighed. I heard door opening. I lifted head up and there was standing Marcus in door looking at me with arms crossed on chest. "You wanted something." I broke the silence and gestured to free place next to me. He slowly walked here and sat down. "So?" I turned head to him because with the rest of body I couldn't move. "You look like mummy." He laughed. "You seriously forced your dad to drive here one hour to tell me this?!" "Actually no." He stopped and looked serious to me. "You're still beautiful." "Thanks there words are so amazing to hear from fuckboy." I rolled eyes. "Y/N please listen to me."

"If you came here to even more make my life harder than it is then you don't have to try." "I just wanted to say... Tinus tell you our rule?" "I don't know why is your sex rule so important now." "I wanted to say that it is some reason why am I here. I'd never come to girl I've fucked to visit her in hospital voluntarily." "Oh wow so I'm the special one." I rolled eyes. "Can you stop fucking jumping into what I'm saying?! I wanted to tell you that I was sober that night! I know it doesn't matter to you because you're with James and already had it with him hundreds times but yes that night I was sober!" He went away. Why he's telling me he was sober...? I'm confused a little. Wait.

I have to think about what Martinus told me: 'When we're drunk we do it kind of without any emotions. Just for fun. But when the right girl comes we will be sober for it.' Shit. He loves me? No he's just joking. After what happened to me I felt like real love doesn't exist. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, I hurt so many people. Sasha entered my room. She had tears in eyes too. She sat next to me and took my hand. "Why are you crying?" I had to ask. "You're asking me? You could die!" "But I haven't died yet." I smiled to her and she chuckled at that silly joke. "I talked with doctor you'll be here maximally week." "Week?!"

"Calm down." "I should calm down? I hate hospitals..." "As well as Marcus."  "Stop it Sasha. What's with Martinus?" "Nothing." "Call him here please I won't tell him I just want to talk with him." "Fine." She went away and I waited for Martinus. "Y/N... I know this is serious situation but you look like mummy." "Aren't you and Marcus twins?" I rolled eyes. "Sorry." "It is okay." I sighed. I wanted to put my face into hands but I couldn't. "What's happening Y/N?" "I don't know what the fuck I should do." "Survive mainly." "Martinus stop joking please." "Okay, what happened?" "One of the things I can't tell you, I promised to someone. But the other. I broke up with James, you know I cheated on him with Mac, well guess what he cheated on me too. We're friends now because we kinda did the same and I haven't blamed him for it and he didn't either." "So that's good end." "This is not the end..." I sighed.

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