Part 3

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Y/N's pov
"Like what?" Emma asked. "Just call your brothers here and let them prepare the table game. I need to get dressed you know." "Ohh of course." I went back to our room. "Marcus! Martinus! Come here!" Marcus killed me by glance and went. I know they can't resist their little sissy. I locked door. I fastly put some my clothes on and then opened their bags and threw all their things to garden from balcony. Even phones too. Then I unlocked and ran downstairs to get my pajama as I went into bathroom and locked here. "Y/N!!" I heard two almost similar voices. I walked to our room. "What?" I smiled innocently and curled hair on my finger. "I'll kill you." Remember, if you'll be bad at me you'll end way worse. I don't like this fucking trip and If you think you can bully me all the time as you so in school then you're fucking wrong! Because there are not your friends." I locked my bag and laid to extra bed while they have two beds pressed together.

Marcus's pov
How I fucking hate this girl! She's so mean. But also pretty smart I thought while picking up my things wet from snow. "Marcus? Martinus? What the hell you're doing outside?" "Y/N-" "Ehm we were joking around and we accidentally threw out things out of balcony." I lied. "Okay? Hurry up and don't do another stupidity." "Yes mom." We finally finished and came back to our room. Y/N was sleeping. "That bitch... Why you covered her?" "She could say what we did to her. I mean in school." "I think she wouldn't." "Why?" "She's too weak." "I think she just don't want us to seem bad before our parents, that's why she covers up. Why are we so bad at her?" "Marcus wake up! It's just Y/N the dumb, ugly Y/N." "Visi." He nodded with smile. I laid down to bed. I have to be fresh for tomorrow. I closed eyes and everything blurred around me and I fell into my dreams... Suddenly I felt a cold splash on my body. I quickly sat down and Martinus too. I was totally wet. I saw Y/N with devilish smile. "Wake up dumbasses." She walked downstairs. "That bitch-" Martinus stood up and ran downstairs. "Mom!" "Yeah?" "Look what Y/N made!" I walked after him. My pajama shirt was soaked on my body. "Yeah I know." She laughed. "What's so funny?!" "Y/N said she couldn't wake you up so she ask if she can do this, and I was for some fun, c'mon guys she's just making fun with you." "Surrrre." Martinus said and went upstairs madly and I after him. Even our beds were wet. "I'll kill that girl." I mumbled when we had to put our things away to let them dry. We changed our clothes and went to have a breakfast. "So today we'll go skiing." Mom announced and I rolled eyes. "Marcus! Don't roll your eyes right into my face!" "Sorry Mom." I drank my tea and went upstairs.

Y/N's pov
I was pretty happy after this. I let the two stupidos finish their breakfast when I changed into my skiing clothes and braided my hair. "You will pay for that." I heard Marcus from behind. I shrugged my shoulders and it made him angry way more. I smiled innocently and went down. I guess the more angry is Marcus. Martinus seemed more calm, although he was still killing me by glance. When we finally arrived to the slope we started to ski. It wasn't anything special just skiing. Once I arrived down and stoped as I the snow splashed to both twins. "Y/N." They both said pretty pissed. "Sorry." I laughed.
When we finally arrived to our cottage, after skiing, I went to change and I kinda didn't care that the boys were right after me. I put my track suit on and went downstairs for a dinner and then I went to sleep.
The next day we went somewhere deeper to mountains. But guess what? "I'm sorry we can't go with you Emma is ill." My mom and Gerd-Anne said. "You don't mean it mom! I don't want to be alone just with boys they'll be laughing at me." "Y/N stop being so childish." "Fine." I said and before I knew my dad was driving us to the mountains. He parked and him and Kjell-Erik went into mountains on road leaving us under mountain. I saw twin's smirk. They pushed me to snow and before I knew I was under hundreds of snowballs. I felt how my clothes are getting wet and snow travels down my throat. "Stop!" I couldn't speak normally. I turned so I was lying on my stomach and stood up. "You two idiots!" I screamed and ran to hid somewhere, preparing snow. They ran after me and I did big snowball which shot them down. "Stop-" "What are you doing here?" I turned to some older man with red nose. "How do you mean it?" "You shouldn't be there these days will be avalanches." "What?!" He nodded and walked away. "What we'll do our dad is down!" I rolled eyes. "Well mine too." They started to run down. "You two idiots stop!" I knew the avalanche can hit them too. I ran over to car and pressed button, yes I sometimes 'stole' spare keys from dad. I sat down and started. Maybe you're wondering what's happening, but yeah as I said I'm weird in more things. I drove down and concentrated on road, it was icy here. Twins weren't here. I drove further and then felt how the Earth moved. Oh shit it can't be late! I drove faster and then I saw how the snow was moving down. "Shit!" I drove like crazy maybe 170 km/h. Then I saw four people who were standing and running away from avalanche. I turned 'heavy terrain' mode on and drove to them. Finally I stopped that they couldn't run away and opened door. "Y/N?! My car!"

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