01 | his voice

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"quit staring at the sky, come here and cuddle with me sohee." i heard my boyfriend yukhei spoke, with that deep soothing voice he owned. i turned around expecting him laying down my bed, hugging one of my plushies like he used to do.

but no. no one was there, my bed was fixed as always. no one was even inside my room. my house is only filled with emptiness, silence and.....me.

what's happening to me? i have gone crazy, right? i keep hearing his voice over and over, which worries me. what if turn into a crazy person?

i have mistaken, yukhei, lucas, was my ex. but also my childhood best friend.

yukhei left me two years ago, heartbroken, saying he never loved me, never adored me, never cared for me, never liked me. i was confused, i was so confused. how could he do that to his own best friend? leave me alone here, and never came back.

what did i do to deserve that? i would never understand why. i did everything right, i made him happy, satisfied, smile, and laugh, but it ended up like this? were our one year relationship not enough for me? was i not enough for him? as a girlfriend.....or just as his childhood best friend?

i don't want any other boys comes to my life, like yukhei did. that yukhei made me smile, laugh and loved. i only want him, i only want yukhei, and i want him to come back to me.

i know someday he would come back to me, apologizing about what happened two years ago, and we would start over again. i don't care if he doesn't see me as a girlfriend anymore, it would be amazing if he did, but it would be fine if he just wanted his childhood best friend back. that best friend that was always there for him, when he was sad, down, scared, nervous, frightened, and even if he was happy.

i just want him to come back, and be a part of my life again.

but what if that day doesn't exist? what if he never comes back?

i shouldn't think negative, stay positive sohee, stay positive.

what am i going to do this one month of summer break? yeah, you heard right, summer break. we got summer break really early, because the school let us. plus we're going to go back to school real early too. which sucks.

i sighed, and turned back around, to watch the beautiful sky. the sky was colored pink, but also mixed with orange. even the clouds that were shaped popcorns, matched the colors.

i cupped my cheeks with both of my palms, and stared up at the sky, stared dreamily as if it was something magical, as if it was wong yukhei.

"yeah i would have a show like oprah
i would be the host of, everyday christmas
give travie a wish list." someone rapped from the other side, making my eyes automatically glance on the house beside me.

oh, it's the my new neighbour who just arrived yesterday.

his kitchen windows were open, which made me clearly hear his music, and see him. he had soft black hair, that looked puffy and soft. it was a bit far for me to see his detailed face. he had an invisible mic on his hand, as he continued rapping.

"i'd probably pull an angelina and brad pitt
and adopt a bunch of babies that ain't never had shit." he continued rapping. his voice was soft, deep yet not too high. every time i hear his voice, his rapping, it gave me goosebumps. it wasn't because it sounded scary and so, it sounded relaxing and soothing.

suddenly the music, his rapping stopped in the middle of nowhere, making me worry, i was afraid it might end. and i didn't wanted to, for some reason.

there was a pink, tint spreading on my cheeks, making me fluster, when i realized his head was sticking out of his window, while his eyes laid on mine.

i gulped, and sat up straight.

"am i disturbing you?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

i bit my lips, and tried not to look panicked. "uh no...." i answered quickly.

"are you sure?" he asked, half smiling.

my lips formed into a smile. "i could use a bit of music, so just continue."

"okay then." he smiled softly, and pressed the button, as the music played again.

i could somehow, listen to his voice all day long.

note: hello! does the name sounds familiar? :))

NEIGHBOR: MARK LEEWhere stories live. Discover now