33 | ferris wheel

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it's already 10:23 pm, me and mark were having an amazing moment together! i love being with him, he's so chill, calm, yet can be really goofy and funny.

we've tried more rides, and it was so exhausting even though you just sit down and enjoy it, it's because it makes your heart raise.

we also ate a lot of snacks, like ice cream but we sadly dropped them down the floor, then we shared a strawberry flavored cotton candy that tasted super sweet. fries, and more.

we also watched the wonderful castle show, they played music that sounded from a fantasy movie. and how the fireworks bursted above us, it was beautiful. and the castle. the castle was beautiful, and looked so creative and detailed. the castle was built with golden metal, and some silver details that made it look more expensive, and fancy. the gates were white, and some costumed guards stood still, and guarded. roses and marigolds to decorate the front pathway. it had a big terrace in the middle, and also some other guards stood, looking down the at utopia. and lastly inside the gate, there was a wide and big stairs, leading it to the front door.

"sir, ma'am you can go in now." the worker opened the small door for us to go in, one of the ferris wheel's small cart. (idk what you call them!)

we stepped in, and sat across each other. i grabbed the metaled fence that protected us not to fall, i looked down and watched how the ferris wheel started to go around, slowly and gently.

"wah, so beautiful." i mumbled to myself. i turned around, to see mark. "right mark-"

i couldn't finish my sentence because i got so flustered, and blushed madly when he was staring at me, tilting his head while smiling.

"yeah, it's beautiful. like you." he complimented, and playfully shot me a wink. "stop." i smiled, but actually i enjoyed it.

he walked to my side, and kneeled down to look at the view like i did. i could feel the cart shake slightly.

"mark! mark- what if it loses it's balance, and we fall down!" i grabbed tightly at the metaled pole, and widened my eyes. "chill sohee, it won't." mark replied calmly, then looked down at utopia.

here you could see everything, utopia, but also seoul. it's beautifully amazing. utopia was big, filled with people and colorful stuffs. and you could see seoul, it was dark, filled with car lights, and honks.

i felt my heart skip a beat, when i spotted something. "look mark, it's gyeongbokgung palace." i pointed.

"oh, yeah i can see!" mark sounded impressed.

i smiled. i remember kun, and yukhei promised me to take me there, all of us together because we have been dying to go there for a long time. kun once said, that one day kun and yukhei would be holding my hands while we enter together. seems like it never came-


i shook my head.

i shouldn't be thinking of something that upsets me, i should be enjoying my time with mark lee.

"anyway, sohee thank you for everything." mark thanked me, i looked at his beautiful face staring down at the people in utopia. i smiled. "for what?" i asked curiously.

for being a good neighbor?

"for changing me." he smiled at himself, tightening his grip on the metaled fence.

"you know sohee, you sill don't know who i am back then. and i promise one day i will tell you, when i think you're ready, when you know me well. but i am also not ready, if i tell you now, you might run away from me."

"but i am really thankful for changing me sohee. i really am. i feel like a much better person, my true identity and my true me."

i smiled, i felt so proud helping someone out. "you're welcome mark." i slid closer to him, and placed my head on his wide shoulders.

"mark...... why do you like me?" i whispered, pursing my lips together.

"why i like you?- pff. why on earth wouldn't i like you? you're an amazing person, plus you're beautiful from the outside and even the inside. you're so gorgeous. you're warmhearted, kind and a spectacular person. and also the most reason why i fell for you is, you changed me." he sat properly, which made me sit properly as well.

he cupped my cheek, and attached our forehead. "i love you sohee, and i want to spend the rest of my life with you." he whispered, as a tear escaped his eye. "i promise to take care of you, and i promise i won't leave you."

"oh mark...." i let out a touched sigh, i cupped his cheek and bit my lip. "oh mark, i love you so much too. and i wanna do the exact thing, with you."

"ey, you little freak don't cry." i chuckled, and wiped his tear with my small thumb. "i'm just happy, to change with you....."

"i love you sohee."

"i love you too mark."

he leaned closer, to give my lips three small squeezes.

note: guys, i lost interest at the look alike jeno..... i don't like him because he looks like jeno, just to remind u, it's because he seem fun to be with, and he is out going. oh well, it's because he's just so..... i think he likes someone else. lemme stick with chenle :)

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