Pain We Share

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The familiar heat of the sun gently tingled Eddie's exposed skin, the warmth soothing as he laid with his back on long lushes' green grass. He took deep relaxing breaths of the clean air, he could defiantly tell there was a difference from the usual thick, polluted air of down town San Francisco. Staring up at the clear blue sky, the vibrant colour reflecting in his own eyes. Not a single breeze passed over him to send a chill down his spine. Eddie had never been able to experience such silence before, it was strange, but still a welcome change. He let his head roll to the side, a smile more warming than the sun greeted him. Anne held his hand in hers as she lay on her side in the grass beside him, he could feel a ring on her finger and it brought a smile to his own rugged face. He squeezed her hand slightly and she squeezed back, the world felt perfect as he stared into her light brown eyes. Her shoulder length blond hair reflecting the yellow sun's rays, making her skin glisten and bring her features to life.

Eddie looked back to the sky, closing his eyes for a brief moment taking the silence in.

"Eddie." Anne said grabbing his attention, again Eddie let his head roll to the side and he opened his eyes.

"Wake up!" Her voice not her own, Eddie couldn't help but scramble back in fear, not even able to cry out as he watched Anne's mouth and mesmerising eyes transform into something not even found in someone's deepest nightmares. Rows of long pointed white teeth, large eyes even whiter with black veins now creeping across her face.


Eddie sat up straight on his sofa, the worn light brown faux leather more comfortable than it looked, his laptop sat on the coffee table in front of him, an article he had been writing on the screen. The text cursor repeatedly blinking over and over, waiting for input from the keyboard. Eddie rubbed his forehead with the base of him palm, a fresh layer of sweat covered his face. An annoying pain in his head making him scrunch his eyes and re open them. His laptop struggled to illuminate his surroundings, even with a blue neon sign outside trying to light up a corner of the room, he still sat mostly in the dark.


Venom's deep voice sounded in his head, the reason he had woke in the first place.

"Good for you." Eddie replied out loud as he swung his feet off the sofa, onto the rug beneath him. Even with black cotton socks on, he could still feel the irritating fabric the rug was made of. He reached over to a lamp on the side table, turning it on so its soft yellow light revelled the room. He then sat back just staring at the wall in front of him, Anne's smile still on his mind.

Eddie. The deep, unhuman voice bounced around Eddie's skull before he was forced to his feet. The yanking sensation of being made upright, something he wasn't sure he would ever get used to.

"Alright!" Eddie snapped back, tired he made his way through his small apartment. He stood in front of the closet's door for a moment, sighing before pulling the door open. Inside there were shelfs, where large plastic creates sat. In a quick motion Eddie pulled the lid off one of the containers, small holes had been pierced in the top of the plastic. Putting the lid to one side he proceeded to roll up on of his grey hoodie's sleeves, before plunging his hand into the blue plastic tub. Couple of seconds later Eddie pulled out a reasonably large fish, frantically thrashing around desperate to be free. The Bluefin Tuna was living up to its name, its scales a range of different shades of ocean blue. With two fingers tucked under the poor fish's gills, Eddie just watched it struggle to breathe. The fish was then gone in a blink of an eye, much like Anne in his dream. Eddie's teeth became long and pointed, his eyes no longer his own, but once the fish was consumed his features returned to normal. With the process seemingly being finished Eddie went to put the lid back on the box.

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