Chapter 1

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To everyone that is new to the book or rereading it. I am in the process of editing the beginning 20-30 chapters because of how old they are. So they might not connect with the actual story. I'll try to edit one each day. So right now it might be confusing if you read the story now. But thank you and hope you enjoy it. 

"We found you a close friend of your parents who they put you to live with if something ever happened to them." The lady from the system said. I rolled my eyes.

I was sitting in the same stupid office that I've been traveling in and out of for years. Ever since my dad went to jail and my mom up and died. It felt more like a jail cell than a room of the people who are supposed to "help me'. Not like CPS ever does anything.

The room was bleak and beige. A normal wooden chair in front of a wooden desk and metal pullout cabinets behind Juliet. The woman who is supposed to take care of me this time. She had dull brown hair and brown eyes. Like most of the CPS workers, it seems like she has given up on life and is just going through the motions.

She most likely already has her mind set on who I am and where I'm going based on the stupid file of me. Is she most likely right, yes. But that doesn't mean I can't be annoyed about it.

I rubbed my face with my hands sighing. "I'm almost eighteen, why can't I live by myself? " I asked her, again. This whole time I've basically been ignoring her and asking the same question. She is either deaf or doesn't give a fuck

"Because your record isn't the cleanest." She stated in the same monotone voice while going through the papers in her hands. Not looking up at me once.

"That wasn't my fault. You saw who I was living with. Now she lost custody and is in rehab." I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest and my legs over themselves. Juliet looked at me with pity. I fucking hate pity, you don't know me so keep it to your fucking self.

"How about the time before that?" Juliet questioned not buying it for a second. "Which one to be exact, there's a lot." she forced a smile then ignored me. I frowned and closed my eyes thinking back to all the shit that led me here.

During middle school, my mom got diagnosed with pancreas cancer. The problem with that is my family at the time was lower middle class so we could barely afford to take care of her. What was worse is that it turned into stage 4 pancreatic cancer has a five-year survival rate of 1 percent. The average patient diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer will live for about 1 year after diagnosis. So she ended up passing away during my freshman year of high school.

Now I and my dad were in millions of dollars in debt because of the hospital bills. But he acted like it was alright and still let me do dance making us in an even worse situation. Not wanting to stress my dad out while coping with my mother's death I drowned myself with school work, clubs, and dance. I was an overachiever and graduated with all A's.

But my dad started to lose it with grief from the loss of my mother. He was coping with it even worse than I was and started to turn to substances like alcohol and drugs. Soon he decided to fix our financial issues by trying to rob a bank high off his ass on meth. He wasn't armed with a gun thankfully but the dumbass had the meth on him and ended up injuring people physically. It wasn't a lot but he was still charged for that on top of the battery. Getting himself six years of jail time and leaving me alone at the end of my sophomore year.

During that time I was coping with my drug-addicted depressed dad and nonexistent mother. Then I ended up meeting him, my ex. The complete opposite of what I was and was trying to be. He and his friends were the kids that got into fights with anyone, drank and smoke in class, ran from the cops, and just did stupid illegal shit. And I loved it, I was desperate for an escape. And it was my escape.

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