chapter 12

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Thank you for all the reads and votes. It absent even gotten good yet but I am over the moon. Like a YouTube like and subscribe *cringe* okay follow if you want and star of you want. I am sorry about any grammar errors autocorrect. I'll fix it if I see it. Enjoy.

"Cliches are meant for a reason, guess why they last so long?"

"Richard it's not what you think-" he put his hand up cutting me off. "No, I think it is what I think. You're dad's in jail, mother fighting cancer in another country, aunt in rehab then jail. Then I can say a lot more in not willing to."

My blood ran cold, oh my gosh, he's going to kick me out. Wait, isn't that what I want? No, no I don't, because I'm not 18 yet so I would go into the system. No thank you.

"I know about your... Problems in the past. And I just wanted to say that everyone in this house has there own set of issues. All of us have made mistakes and are still making them." He looked at the stairs where the boys went. " i hope for the best to come to you and you enjoy your stay here. "

My jaw was touching the floor, what, that's all. Not the you're disgusting or a problem or a terrible person. Just i understand and I wish for the best? I was floored. I went back upstairs to my room and played on the bed. That's it!? Where's the yelling or the crying or the throwing shit. Wow those two years with aunt really messed me up. I played down and closed my eyes still in shock.


I woke up the next morning with a goal. Today I will try to play nice with the boys, if they play nice with me though.

I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. One thing I hate is morning breath, especially when I have it.

I brushed my teeth, then tightened my pony tail. I think I look okay but there's no way I'm getting out of my pajamas. I am way to comfortable. I was wearing workout shorts and an oversized shirt that hangs off my shoulder.

I left the bathroom and went to my favorite spot in the house, the kitchen. Who needs friends when you've got food, number one it's delicious and number two you can have as many as you want. Eat one then start a new friendship.

Damn, how did I get into the topic of eating friends? I shook my head and went into the cupboards and found bagels. I took out a cinnamon raisin one and toasted it. Then I found strawberry cream cheese, I put that on my bagel. Then I went to the living room to watch something.


I flipped into the couch like a potato and crossed my legs. Turning on the tv, I browsed through Netflix. After a brutal battle of eny meany miny mo i decided to watch Riverdale. Cole sprouts and Kj inhuman they be some fine looking men.

I just started watching season one of Riverdale at Yazs house, she has the biggest crush known to man on Cole Sprouts. And so does Darrin, they could talk for hours just about his jaw.

I was so into the show that I missed a body co.omg down the stairs. "Riverdale, really? Isn't that a cliche thing girls do?" I paused the shown to glare at the interrupted of betty being her other self.

Austin was standing at the bottom of the stairs, lovely. I set my plate down but was.still holding the last half of my bagel. I pointed it at him, "and how do you know its cliche? Do you naturally go to girls houses in the morning and study what they watch? "

Yep, definitely have attitude, an I going to change that for them? Hell no. He rolled his eyes, "where did you find that bagel?" " I'm the kitchen. " I heard him sigh, exasperate he asked, "where in the kitchen, Linda isn't here to make us food."

Feeling a tick on my cheek after that comment I stood up to show him. "I'll show you." I grumbled . It's There kitchen!! How could he not know where things are?!

Walking towards him I saw his eyes travel my body, looking up then down I felt my cheeks hear so I quickly walked to the kitchen. I don't care if he thinks my cloths are terrible, they're comfy.

We made it to the kitchen and I grabbed the bagels and the plain and strawberry flavored cream cheese. "Choose your pick." I then turned around and went back to the living room or whatever room This is and flopped on to the couch.

Laying on it sideways i exited out of Riverdale not really feeling it anymore. Scrolling through the options the remote was taken from me. I looked up and growled.

"Sorry but only residents get to use the remote." Is all he said to me. "I think you mean only assholes can, just like only nice people can sit on the couch." I tried to stretch my body as far as it could go. But I was only able to cover at at least 62% of the couch. "And you think you're nice?"

He smirked at me and say on the couch, well looks like I'm a nice person . " I mumbled under my breath, "looks like you're a dick." He turned and glared at me. I rolled my eyes at him, he could cry me a God Damn river for all i care.

He mumbled something under his breath too that I couldn't catch, I'm guessing it was some form of me being a bitch. But I know I can be a bitch of I wanted to, this was just me being equal. If your an ass in going to be an ass.

He was just scrolling through Netflix for a while until  he chose criminal minds. I was honestly intrigued about his decision and why he looked so enthralled.

I played there compliant until I officially had enough. I groaned loudly "What the hell is going on!? What the hell is this! Ugh." I rubbed my temples Acting like my brain hurt.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, "do I care if you understand it or not?" I looked at him and nodded, " I'm yeah you do. Or at least act like you right now. " I whispered acting like it was a secret.

He looked at me like I was stupid so I have him the same look back. We just glared at each other for a while until I decided to be a smart ass. "Can we stop acting like twilight Edward, that was so 2005." I stated in a slow low voice, trying to mimic Bella.

He snorted and broke his stare, "I'm pretty sure twilight wasn't made 2005." I shrugged, " you think I know. I just said a random ass year, for all i know I could have said 2020. "

he looked at me with amusement and exasperation. "I'm not sure what your game is?" He whispered under his breath, quiet enough I could barely hear him. I stood up and went to the stairs, I looked down and at Austin, "my game plan? My game is just to survive, you can't really have a plan when life never follows it. " Then I walked to my room leaving him staring.

Hello beautiful people, sorry if There is any errors.

Q: who do you want to be the first boy that comes to be nice to Chris? Austin, Jordan, Cameron,  Brice or Ash?

A: I think I already know who will, but I want to see y'alls opinion because might change it.

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