Chapter 39

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Dear readers,
This chapter was written on my phone because this week I haven't had any time to write on my computer. So I apologize for any spelling mistakes or more. My auto correct is complete shit. I also would like to say if the writing, words, or Grammer start to turn to shit at the bottom it is because I was falling asleep while writing. I tried to fix as much as I could find. Other then that enjoy, please vote and comment what you think.


Remembering Ash's gentle hands. I was lounging in my room, doing homework on the floor. I know I have a giant bed and a desk to use, but old habits die hard. I started to examined my fingers that we're holding my pencil. Remembering Ash's gentle hands.

My face then heated with embarrassment and I shook my head aggressively. What the hell are you thinking about? Someone shows you a little kindness and you become all star eyed. Grow up Chris.

I lectured myself in my head, then went back to homework. I was finishing one of the last problems when I heard someone roar, "What the fuck is this!" I couldn't detect who exactly it was but I knew it was one of the boys.

I sighed and rubbed my temple. All the stress that I felt today is finally showing its claws. I felt fatigued and nauseous. But I still needed to write my free map and my argumentative essay for my language class.

I groaned and laid my head on my math homework. Why am I going to need any of this? I'm not planning on having a job involving any of this stupid shit!? I just want to sleep.

I closed my eyes for a second, just wanting to lay there. But knowing myself I would definitely fall asleep. Using all the willpower I had I sat back up. I need to focus. At that I proceeded to slap my face with both hands. Trying to jolt myself awake.

"You got this." I whispered to myself. I've been through a lot harder things than this bullshit. On that note I spent three hours doing homework.

It wasn't because I was stupid, just exhausted. I had to keep re reading questions because I couldn't process them. I looked at the clock reading 12:46 am. I'll get less than four hours of sleep. But it's fine, I can live with that.

I closed my eyes and dozed off. My dreams were filled with the guys, my past, and my future. I hated it.

I woke up before my alarm feeling terrible and groggy. I looked at the clock to read 4 am. That's amazing. I tried to fall back asleep l, only to end in failure.

Except for the L, I decided to be productive. I changed into some leggings and a sports bra. The house was dark because it was fall, but not dark enough that I couldn't see.

I went to their gym because every house had one, wanting to dance..

I turned on the lights and squinted at how bright they were. There was a whole area of just empty space so I decided that would be perfect.
I sat on the floor for and stretched for a bit till I felt loose. I stood up and put my headphones in. Then I stuffed my iPod into my sports bra and got into position.

I felt like doing an acrobatic routine. Wanting to work or my tricks and flexibility. The music started softly in my ears and I slowly extended my leg. Raising it till it touched my ear, then tilting till I was making an upside down L.

Then I slowly put it back down and transitioned into turns. After doing a few a moved into an Ariel. I was rusty so I landed but fell right after, not able to keep my balance.

I growled and slammed my fist into the ground. Standing up I went to repeat it until. I kept doing it until I landed five on a row perfectly. Once I did I was satisfied.

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