Chapter 34

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For some unknown reason I was actually excited for P.E. Even more for dance try outs. It was the last day for trying out. Addy said she would take us to frozen yogurt after try outs. Then she is going to drop me off at that cafe for an interview for the job.

But I don't know, the mood I was caring this morning kind of just vanished. Now that my schedule was changed I had to find my new classes. I still had gym for my last period because my dumbass decided not to take the required classes until junior year.

And I literally flunked junior year. I almost had to go to trial for missing so many school days. Didn't stop me though.

I went to my new language arts class with a hint of nerves. But I had my fingers crossed that there wasn't a Mitchell boy in the class.

There was a giant blocking the entrance. I didn't want to be rude so I waited outside. I became more annoyed when he didn't move.

I felt like I recognized the person but brushed it aside. I can't have that bad of luck. The dude he was taking to looked and pointed at me. But the giant just ignored him and me. I bit the inside of my cheek. Fuck this.

I pushed by his fat ass, using my arm and elbow to push him aside. "Excuse me." I bit out. The giant turned. Shit. I knew I recognized the voice from somewhere.

Brian was glaring at me. "What are you doing in this class." I sighed and tilted my head. Great.

I just rolled my eyes and proceeded to ooze sarcasm and my blatant annoyance. "Well I've been stalking you for the past weeks I've been here. So I purposely switched my whole schedule the second week of being here. Just to be close to your egotistic ass. I also know where you live, and I'm planning on killing you in your sleep. After I kill you I plan on stuffing you and keeping you in my closet. Even though you don't know me and I don't know you. And no this isn't just a god awful coincidence." I took a deep breath in after my little rant. Brian looked like he was about to explode. I loved it.

He looked at me with wide eyes, and the dude behind him looked a mix between horrified, shocked, and amused. I guess he chose amused because he started to chuckle. "Damn, when people said the new girl was psycho I thought they were kidding." I turned to him and smiled.

I brushed past Brian and put my hand out. "Hi, I'm Chris." He gave me a nervous look but shook my hand. "As you could see I have psychopathic tendencies. And yes I do harvest souls because I don't have my own." I finished and released his hand.

He rose an eyebrow. "Hi, I'm Toby. That was one icebreaker." I nodded in agreement. "Well I'm going to go find a desk and write information about you Brain. Because coincidences don't exist and I supposably stalk you." I saluted him and turned.

"It's Brian." I heard him grind out. I smiled to myself in pleasure. Then turned in fake innocence, "Really? I didn't know! Looks like my information was wrong. Im sorry Brain." I smiled a lethal smile and turned.

"Dude what the fuck did you do to her? Did you have a one night stand or some shit?" Toby asked Brian. Brian literally growled, "shut the fuck up Toby."

The little sadistic part in me was purring in delight. The asshole can suck my invisible dick. I went to the teacher and had everything set up.

This is pure bullshit but whatever. I sat down and listened to his lecture. We had to write a huge ass essay on a book. Describing the motifs and hidden messages used in the book. Plus the symbolism that is demonstrated.

Might I add that this book is as old as dinosaurs. One wrong move and it'll turn into dust. It's not even written in English. It's pure nonsense.

I groaned and rested my head on my desk. My buzz from earlier evaporating into thin air. I really want a drink-. No, nope, nah da. Can't think like that.

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