Chapter 50

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Chris POV

There were faint voices and noises surrounding me, threatening to pull me out of my sleep. My body went cold for a second before being wrapped by warmth again. It felt as if someone's arms were holding me. whined and curled into whatever was warming me. It was hard and had a faint scent of musk and soap.

Whatever was holding me tightened their grip as I heard the noises getting louder. I groaned trying to tuck my head further into my exceptionally hard pillow. Curling my hand into it to get into a better position.

I heard a faint grunt as the noises began to fade. The farther they went the more my body began to slack again into them. Soon the feeling of something soft and plush being pushed against my back came to my senses. All the movements started to wake me up a bit. I slowly peeled open my eyes to my dark and blurry surroundings.

"Ash?" I muttered quietly. Confused at seeing a blurry image of the giant Mitchell over me. I smiled to myself, I'm probably lucid dreaming. I giggled quietly at the thought of being carried to my bed. His face came closer to me as I felt a callous hand brush my hair off of my forehead.

"Go back to sleep baby." A soft voice rumbled through the silent room. I smiled at my dream Ash finding it hilarious he called me baby. There is no possible way he's real. I turned and curled into my bed feeling the same throb in my head.

I heard shuffling on my carpet before I felt warm hands on my ankles. I tensed for a second before I felt my left shoe come off my foot, and the light thump it made on my floor. He unlaced and took off the second one before light came from my doorway.

Is this really a dream? There is no possible way, I think my light concussion is getting to me. "Hey red, Austin said you should take these medicines." Another voice whispered in my room. I grumbled my response curling my face into my pillow.

"I've brought some water too." The voice added. "Shut up Cameron." Ash's voiced calmly. I felt my bed dip down besides me as a hand touched my arm. "Come on red, it's going to make you feel better. And hopefully fix that headache." he offered, his voice honey smooth.

"Honey." chuckled at the comparison of his voice before slowly turning to my side. "Honey?" He muttered quietly not thinking. Why would he randomly say honey? Can he read thoughts too?

I opened my left eye half way, keeping it low. So I could only make out the thigh besides me as I held my hand out. Two pills were placed in my palm and I quickly threw them into my mouth. Not in the mood to even question what kind of drugs they gave me.

I held my hand up again for the cup and drank it. Getting half the contents over my face, up my nose, and on my collar. I gagged and snorted for a minute, trying to keep myself from drowning as the person besides me started to shake. Then the person quickly left my bed with a grunt and I heard hushed whispers.

"Night red." Was the last thing I heard before I was quickly submerged in darkness again. Sleep calling to me.


I woke up groggy and sore as they blinded me from my curtains. I felt like I had the worst hangover. Thank god I was used to hangovers so it was bearable. My hand wasn't hurting as much as yesterday and I could form full thoughts, so I didn't get it that bad.

My fists were throbbing like they usually did after a fight and my neck felt sore and stiff. My shoulders and back hurt, most likely bruised from the ass-hat throwing me to the ground.

I sat up taking a deep breath and looking around. I stretched back trying to release the tension from my muscles when I paused. I wiggled my toes to realize I wasn't wearing socks or shoes. I threw my blanket off of myself and checked if anything else was missing. But everything but my socks and shoes were still on me.

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