Chapter 2

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I woke up early because it was a Saturday and I had to work at the cafe. 6-12 so 6 hours. But I only work on the weekends that long and four hour weekdays during break.

Need to keep the money up if I want to go to college like I promised mom. I put on a green shirt because it matched my hair and made my dark green and light green eyes pop. it also made the freckles on my face pop out. And I'm sort of grateful I don't have a ton of freckles. The shirt hives my curves pretty well. And must o say I do have pretty good curves. Then I put on a gray jacket, and some black shorts because it's arizona and it's always hot outside. I put on my black sneakers and tied my long curly ruby hair in a high pony tail.

I already brushed my teeth and showered and I usually eat there. I'm usually half dead without my coffee in the morning because ever since logo g with Olivia sleep does not come easily.

So I need some coffee asap. I stood up after tying my shoes and left a note on the door. Yaz's family already know about this job I have because I've pretty much lived with them these last months. But I do pay for groceries and help clean and cook as much as I can because I hate to give them nothing with there generosity. I ran outside and looked at my watch. 5:42, 18 minutes to get there. I've got this, I jumped on my purple bike and stayed pedaling to Zooms Cafe.

I really like this cafe because I get paid five dollars an hour but I also like the people working there and the customers. But a main reason is that it has a stage where I can practice performing on my free time when it's only the boss and me or a few co workers and customers.

I don't have the guts to perform anything big yet. I stopped my bike and got off to cross the street. Looking at my watch again when I finished crossing it was already 5:47.

And I still had a block to go. I jumped on and started to pedal again. The reason I have a watch is because the phone I own is a flip phone, which i barley use and only for important things like having to meet up with Juliet again today.

Nothing fancy because I dont have enough money and I ride a bike everywhere because no car. I have a license but no car, Once again money plays a huge issue. I finally made it to Zooms Cafe at 5:55. Which gives me enough time to put my uniform on and apron and then help set up.

After I had on my black Zooms shirt and khaki pants then my Zooms Cafe apron on I help out. Melissa is already here and setting up the area to make drinks while the owner Bill is setting up the tables.

I help with the tables then start setting up the stage. Speakers and instruments are checked and tested to see if they work. We finally opened at 6:30 and waited. A few customers came in and we served them but it is usually slow on Saturday mornings.

"Chris, play something on the stage!" Melissa called from the cafe area. And Bill nodded approvingly. I smiled and went up onto the satge. I re checked the equipment and pigged in the shops iPod into a speakers to play masterpiece by Jessie j.

It doesn't have to be any specific music, but if it does is prefer to listen to stuff away from pop like breaking Beckerman or panic at the disco or halestorm. But the point is, is that I listen to a lot of music genres. The stores windows were slightly opened and so was the door for customers. Because it was only Melissa and Bill i wasn't really nervous when I sang.

I closed my eyes and got into it but when I opened there was people at tables and in line to order. I almost missed a line from shock. I just looked down and finished the song then went to the employees room. Kate was now here to to help, she was in the back getting ready. She had blond hair and a lip piercing.

"I don't know how you can curse out a person and fight like nobody's business or defend and stand up to people like second nature but the minute you sing and let out your pretty voice you get all flustered." I blushed. "See you could get into a fight right now and not care but the minute you're complemented you blush. But your talented girl, you can draw, write, sing, cook and play instruments. Damn if I was that talented at your age of already be in la or new york. Keep working hard kid. "

I smiled and pulled My bangs behind my ear. I took a breath and walked out. We started getting busier so I smiled and waited tables instead of making drinks.

Darrin came who is literally my gay bestie and has tried to hook me up with a few of his friends. He started working behind the counter, while I served people.

Because sometimes the line will get to busy so we ask for orders. So far we have costumers that have been here before so they were easy to please. But then I saw a man I haven't seen before.

He looked in his thirties and side nice cloths. He had messy dark brown hair with some blond undertones, I've felt like I've seen him before some where but I don't know. He sat at a table and I went up to him.

Smiling i asked "Hi, how can I help you." He looked at me for a second then at my name tag. A small knowing smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, I'll take a black coffee." Oh, one of those guys.
" Right on it sir. That'll be 3 dollars." He nodded. He took out there three dollars and handed them over. "Would you like a receipt?" He shook his head. "your coffee will be coming right up. May I get a name? "

"Richard." He had a deep voice with a gravely edge like he use to smoke. I nodded and walked to the counter and gave Darrin the order.

"Damn he's hot." he purred at me
" Ewww, darrin! So, not in the mood right now. " I faked gagged. "He's like what 35? And I'm 16 and turning 17 soon." Me and Darrin fist-bumped.
"Be proud queen. Work that almost 17 dry." I pushed his shoulder. " ugh get back to work. " he joked. I laughed

"Say so yourself."
"Work it cinderella! You work 6 hours on weekends at minimum wage! Get that broom, find your Prince and be proud! " I have him the bird and he was cracking up in the food area. I have Richard his black coffee.

"Here you go. Hope it wasn't too long of a wait." he shook his head and muttered thanks under his breath. Turning around I grabbed the broom and started to sweep. Looking at my watch it was already 10:56. Time passes when you're having fun.

When everyone left Bill let us eat and drink whatever from the storage. I had lemon bars and a Carmel frappuccino. And I was sitting with Darrin getting gossip about his school.

He goes to a different high school than me. He's also a senior so he's already 17 and going 18 the dick. Also, apparently the queen bee at there school was a lesbian the whole time. Shook.

"I've been talking this whole time. So what's going on in the soap opera of your life." ugh. I groaned. "That bad huh?"

"I guess, I have to tell Bill after. Well you know how my aunt lost custody and is in rehab and about my dad and mom? " he nodded.

"Well I've been living with Yaz for the montand by myself before that. But they found the family my mom signed to live with it anything happened with me. Her best friend Alyssa. " Darrin looked sucked into what I was saying.

"Continue dear."
"Alyssa isn't really related to the family but we call her aunt because we've known her so long. Well she has this fiance and I'm suppose to move in with them soon and stuff so they can become my "care takers" as we wait for my dad to get out of jail and my mom to come back to life if possible.

Darrin 's jaw dropped. "You're moving? Omg ! Then what about my work buddy! Or our gossip sessions. Or you getting guys numbers for me! Your my wing woman!"

"I know darrin, guess how Yaz reacted last night. I'm not anymore happy than you are about it."
"This sucks. Take me with you, this town was getting boring an - yways. " I sighed

"I would if I could, trust me on that."
"If you don't like it or anything remember you can always come back. We're your family we got you. And you better still have my number on that, that fossil. " he pointed at my flip phone.
"I'm saving up for a new one."

" You better be. Now go tell bill, it's going to break his little old heart but he needs to know. I'll tell melissa and kate. "
"Damn, you spread info faster than a forest fire." He winked
"You know it b***h." Then went to talk to the others. Time to take on Bill.

Telling Bill was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I almost cried just because I've known him so long. Two years, he's seen my ups and downs and helped me stay on my feet. I have to do everything in my power to stay.

To bad my power only goes so far universal wise. Physical is be pretty Damn good, and mental is be pretty good. But actual power in a world view is completely different, I have no influence, so no power. My shift was almost over so I could go to Yaz's and take a catnap real quick before seeing Juliet.

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