chapter 9

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N/A: hello to the people reading this. Sry for the slow updates if you've read my other author noted then you know I'm lazy. I just need inspiration to bitch slap me on the face. But like always. Sorry for any grammar or spelling issues. Autocorrect is a bitch, and.I'll fix it but it goes back to what it had! so tell me please when you see one. Comment it. And last is thank you for reading!

I'm in a Fucking tesla driving to a school I've never seen in a city I've never been. Damn, people thought, damn this bitch is lucky. Nahhh nah nah, it's like Damn this bitch be suffering.

I was to afraid to touch anything, my whole body was as stiff as a board. With my luck I'll touch the window button and the whole door falls off.

Okay... That might be a little over exaggerated but it could happn. I faced forward not moving a muscle, even when baby by Justin Bieber came on. I wanted to stab my ears out and change the channel.

But I had self control and persevered. Don't get me wrong, I like some of Bieber's songs but... Not that one. I was in my own head trying not to move when Alyssa interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you okay Chris, you're super stiff. You know you can move right?" A forced laugh and smile came out of me. "Ha ha, I know. Just being my weird self."

I reached to change the station but my movements were jerky. I changed the channel to 96.9 and "high hopes" by Panic! At the disco was on. I smiled and leaned back singing the song, and finally relaxing


Alyssa started to slow down and I was looking at the world do w for a school. All I saw were some houses and a 3 story mansion. Alyssa started to turn towards the mansion, I guess the school might be behind it.

I turned and looked at her, "so how close are we to the school?" She drove through the gates of the mansion. She laughed and looked at me, " we're here silly. "

My jaw must have hit the floor of the tesla, this mansion is the school? Wait, I forgot, they're rich. They don't go to a school with vandalized walls and desks, furniture falling apart. Ancient projector screens and hand me down supplies. They don't have to not use their lockers because they got to many bomb threats from pranksters and bathrooms with no mirrors and stalls all scratched up because people drew on them.

I sighed, what did I expect. A Fucking porta potty? Nope, I should have saw this coming. A Fucking two or three story mansion. I rolled my eyes and sit back as she drove me up to the school.


The school looked like one of those in movies, the walls were white and There were blue lockers. Everything was clean and looked like it was worth a lot of money. I could see my reflection on the floor, the floor!

I followed Alyssa to where ever she was taking me, while looking around. There were pictures of a knight on the walls, their mascot i think. I bumped into something while looking at the wall. "Ouch." I held my nose and looked up to see Alyssa has stopped walking.

"Sorry." I lamely stated. She signed and I looked where we were at. A Fucking elevator, but no not just one 6 elevators. Guess these rich kids can't get there lazy added to walk down some stairs, or their gold is to heavy.

Utterly annoyed i stepped into the fancy ass elevator with Alyssa. But if course, it couldn't be your average boring elevator. No, it had a tablet to play music, a tv, a mini fridge, and books to put your purse or back pack on. The actually fuck is this?

Shaking my head I waited for us to stop on the... Third floor. I guess I can't hate on them for having elevators now can i, nobody got time to walk 3 floors to get to a class you don't even want to be in.

I heard the ding that meant we stopped and I followed Alyssa out. We walked down several halls to an office, I'm definitely going to get lost, 100% certainty.

She walked into the office and there was a man sitting there. He had brown hair, and brown eyes. He was wearing a suit and had some wrinkles in his face. I could see some white hairs too.

He looked up and saw us then shot out of his seat. "Oh mrs. Mitchell, and you brought your cousin in like you said you would. So is down, sit down." What? Alyssa wasn't married to him yet nor was I her cousin.

But I just followed her lead and ignored the sketch. "So we have the electives for you to chose right here, we have sport and clubs you can join here, and your normal classes here." He pointed at several different papers.

I nodded and looked them over, I had honors math and language, science and social studies, pe and home ec. I looked over the electives, horseback riding? Hell no! There also are five different music classes, just for vocal.

Shaking my head I chose PE because the description made it sound like a stick wasn't as far up its ass like the others. Satisfied with my session i looked at the club papers really quick the passed them back.

"You done already?" Alyssa asked me. " Yeah I already had an idea of what I wanted to do. " and do I really want an elective all about the history of shoes and the best. Brands to wear. yEAh, they had that, called faseion, like go back to school and learn how to spell. Wait you can't you are in school. Well there's no hope for you know.

Alyssa talked to the vice principle for a little longer than we left. Thank God. I dont want to be in school unless I have too. In side the hallways i could.feel them sucking out my soul. I am so excited to go back to Alyssa's house.

I am actually surprised I've got this many views and one vote!! Thank you. Damn I am so excited over one vote. well you just got to take what life gives to you. It's almost thanks giving and it's going to be slow up date because of school. But  happy thanksgiving or late thanks giving or early thanksgiving g for when you read this.

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