Chapter 26

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I gnawed on my pencil, spinning in circles in my chair. I groaned and threw my pencil across the room.

I already finished my job application and all I have left is homework. To bad homework's a bitch.

I laid my head on my desk and looked at the paper. Doodles were scribbled all over the page. Numbers were everywhere and just looking at it gave me a headache.

Pushing myself off the desk I leaned back into the chair. I looked at the photo of me and my friends back home.

I reached out for it but stopped halfway. Sorrow filled me, I let my arm fall back to my side. I tore my eyes from the image and looked at the wall.

I looked at the clock bloody colored numbers reading 10:49. I pushed myself out of the chair and headed out.

The hallway was dark and no one was in sight. I wasn't sure if anyone was asleep. I bit my lip hesitating. I'm not afraid of the dark but creeped out about what's in the dark.

I slowly crept out of my room and looked left and right. I held my arms out and leaned back. Slowly I shuffled forward towards the stairs.

Once my toes weren't touching the floor but the rest of my foot was, I knew I found the stairs.

I slowly lowered my foot onto the step. The stairs had lights embedded into the stairs. Letting you be able to see them at night.

Once they turned on I let out a quiet sigh of relief. Don't want what happened with Ash this morning happen again.

Because this time no one would be there to catch me. Not like I need anyone too.

I hurried down the stairs cringing at any loud sounds. I need to go into the kitchen and feed my brain. My brain needs food to rejuvenate itself.

I turned on the kitchen light and raided their shelves. I found Frosted Flakes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Lucky Charms.

I smiled at my wonderful discovery. I grabbed milk from the fridge and a metal bowl that was double the size of a normal one.

I grossers flakes, cinnamon toast and lucky charms in. Only a little bit them repeated until it was well blended. Then I found a huge spoon and mixed it for good measures.

I then grabbed the milk and filled the bowl the rest of the way. I put the milk away and grabbed a stool.

I rubbed my hands together in excitement and thanked God for giving me this wonderful brain food. I grabbed the spoon almost triple the size of a normal one.

Then I took a good spoonful of all three kinds of cereal. I wasn't able to fit the whole spoon in my mouth but it was mainly there for aesthetic reasons.

I chewed happily on the cereal letting the sugar go through my bloodstream. I'm going to have to burn this off tomorrow.

"What the fuck are you doing?" A low voice growled. My back straightened and I dropped my spoon in my cereal. "Fuck!" I exclaimed and fished it out.

"I'm going to have to buy a bell for you guys," I said without really thinking. I turned to face the intruder with a spoonful of cereal.

I fake face to face with Brian. I'm pretty sure you could see my expression crumble. He eyed my spoon, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You know the more you frown like that you're going to get premature wrinkles. Plus frown lines, won't look much of a ladies man then would you?" I stated. Then ate the content off my spoon.

Then I smiled at the deliciousness. I opened my eyes to see Brian with a smirk on his face. "Ladies man?" He tilted his chin up and amusement evident in his voice.

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