Chapter 41

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I was still in a mood from Ash's reaction this morning. His reaction wasn't, as you say, normal. There was a glint in his eye and an air of hostility around him. Like at any moment he could have attacked someone.

I headed to my next class in confusion. Shouldering past people and muttering apologize, trying to analyze Ash's behavior. Which could be compared to analyzing different galaxies in space. Near impossible.

I walked into class and threw my bag into the floor. Sitting down with a huff. "What's up with you?" Josh asked me. I leaned my head back and looked at the upside down wall.

"Nothing, I'm just overthinking everything." I grumbled. Josh pushes my shoulder lightly, "stop, thinking hurts the brain. I prefer to just go with the flow. If god made me smart too there wouldn't be any straight men left."

I snorted and smiled at him, "true, I'll have to thank him for giving us peasants a chance." He combed a hand through his hair. "I know, this much beauty can be such a drag." He exasperated.

I chuckled while Loren rolled her eyes. "What are you fools talking about?" She sighed, "yes what are you talking about." A whimsical voice asked behind her.

She jumped in shock and turned to look at Leo. She grunted and sat in the seat next to me. Leo sat in his seat and turned to look at us. "So?" He asked, raising an eyebrow up.

"It's confidential, if we tell it'll put you and any others that over hear at risk." I told him seriously. Josh snorted and added on. "What she said. We're helping." Loren rolled her eyes. "Y'all are weird."

"Ignore her." A familiar masculine voice added while sitting down. I turned to glare at Austin, "Hey, what if I'm saying something of life threatening importance?" I faked rage.

"Then count your life threatened." He replied. I gasped in over exaggerated anger. "How dare you." I joked trying to ease my thoughts.

Everyone continued small talk while people flooded into the classroom. Random people I've never talked to came over and tried to join in. But they were mainly talking to Leo and Austin.

Once the teacher came in we did our usual. Nothing weird happened and no one died. But I was still distracted, still thinking about Ash.

Once I noticed no one was really paying attention I tapped Austin's shoulder with my pencil. He turned his head a bit to see who tapped him. Once he realized it was me he gave me a look that said, "what?"

Knowing it'll take too long to sign what I have to say I wrote it down quickly. I need to talk to you. I scribbled in a blank piece of paper and showed him.

He wrinkled his eyebrows and mouthed, "isn't that what we're doing right now?" I rolled my eyes and mouthed back, "yes but it's important."

He looked confused and mouthed, "what?" I tried again but he still didn't seem to understand. Useless. So I grabbed my paper once again and started writing. Until I heard my name get called.

"Christian, Austin, do you two have anything to share with the class?" The teacher asked us. I froze and bit my lip. "No ma'am. Nothing at all, continue this very educational lesson please." I replied.

It might have sounded a lot ruder then I meant. And the teacher didn't seem to appreciate that too much. I heard Austin sigh in exasperation, clearly coming to the same conclusion I did.

"Oh it's no issue. We clearly have time, so why don't you tell the class your important discussion." She chirped back. "Miss-" Austin started but I cut him off.

"Miss it's a bit embarrassing. But since you wanted to know so badly I was asking him questions for our science class. We have the same teacher." I started, Austin looked back at me with wide eyes.

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