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« Winter's POV »

Apparently Emily didn't want to leave Kyra and Justin's place, so Kason agreed to let her stay one more night before she had to go back to school Monday.

This means that I'm going to be left alone on a Saturday night watching random shows on HBO and freaking myself out by creating monsters in my head made out of silhouette objects in the apartment. Being sick doesn't help with the matter either. Kason is stalling to leave.

"I just don't want you to die on my couch," he grumbles. "Furniture doesn't come free."

I send him a small glare. "If you don't leave, I'm going to vomit all over you."

He scoffs. "Is that a threat?"

"A promise," I correct before sneezing. I groan and reach for a tissue with my weak arm. I blow my nose and toss it into the tiny trash can Kason had set next to me.

Kason rolls his eyes. "Whatever...you're sure you're good here? I could call Kassidy. She could—"

"I'm fine," I drag out. "Just go beat up the bad guy and I'll sleep the whole time."

He stares at me with a bright intensity in his eyes before nodding once slowly. "Okay...see you tonight then."

"See you."

After Kason left, I ended up watching this pointless housewife show about some women in Miami. I used up almost all of the tissues in the box, and my stomach was beginning to ache. I hated that I was feeling queasy, because you don't usually feel like vomiting when you catch a cold. Typically, that's the flu.

I ignored the nausea for awhile, very much interested in Jamison and Olivia trying to claw each other's eyes out. Apparently Jamison had spread some rumors about Olivia's husband because he got involved in some stuff at a bar the other night. Olivia was furious, but tried to confront Jamison privately and contently.

At first, I was like oh this isn't too bad. They're actually being civil. I thought there was supposed to be some drama.

But then Jamison was being sassy and quite rude, so Olivia lunged at her. This all took place at Samantha's birthday party, and she said in a separate interview that she'd never forgive the two girls for starting a scene on the night that was supposed to be about her.

Oh, and Samantha already hates Olivia as it is because before she was married to Kevin, she slept with her husband. So she more so sides with Jamison.


Eventually, the tea got cold, so I reached for the remote to just turn off the screen and try to sleep until Kason gets back. But I ended up knocking the remote on the ground, moaning annoyedly when I had to bend to pick it up. My limbs are too sore and stiff to do so now.

I guess I'm more sick than I thought.

My thoughts are affirmed when I feel bile rise in the back of my throat suddenly. My eyes widen, and I flip the blanket off of me to run to the nearest trash can. Luckily I make it to the kitchen in time, where I empty the contents of my stomach.

Chills cover my arms and legs even though I'm wearing Kason's sweatpants and hoodie. I'm so sore when walking too. Like the kind of sore you get when you have a high fever, which I know I obtain.

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