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« Winter's POV »
Six months later

Oh my God.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.

My leg bounces as my heart races in my chest. I stare at the pink and white stick which should decide my future fate. Kyra waits impatiently outside the bathroom stall, her foot tapping. It makes me even more nervous, but I can't speak because I don't want to move or breathe at all.

"Get out here," Kyra says. "I wanna see with you."

I take a shaky breath and stand, my legs wobbling underneath me. My hand fumbles with the stall lock until it clicks open, and I walk out on an unstable base toward Kyra. She takes hold of my free hand and crowds next to me so we can watch for the double/single line.

I would've told Kassidy I think I'm pregnant, but she's Kason's sister. It would've been weird. It's not that I don't trust her with keeping a secret — she's in the FBI — but I just wouldn't be able to do it staring into the face of the identical twin of my boyfriend.

So I opted for Kyra. She's been pregnant for five months. Justin and her are thrilled. I assumed she'd be able to give me some good advice too.

Just don't tell her she was second choice.

"Why is it taking so long?" I whine nervously.

I set it down on the sink and look at the poster on the wall of the public restroom reminding people to wash their hands. For some reason, it triggers nausea in my stomach: that reminder that people don't wash their hands after...

I cover my mouth with my hand and race to the toilet, dumping the leftover lasagna into it. I wince at the smell and look away, not wanting to vomit again because I saw my previous vomit. I feel around for the flusher and press down, walking out.

Kyra stands there, looking at the stick with wide eyes. I stand still, frozen. She looks up at me, a slow smile breaking out onto her face.

"Winter!" she exclaims, showing me the pregnancy test. Two lines prove that I am, indeed, carrying a child inside of me. "You're gonna be a mom!"

I feel the color drain from my face. I pale. "Oh God."

I run back into the bathroom stall, throwing up my guts all over again.

How am I gonna tell Kason?

What if I'm not a good mother? I was raised fine, with good parents and a good roof over my head. I had fine role models. But I don't know how to take care of a baby!

Another thought occurs. What if Kason leaves me? What if he isn't ready to have a kid? He could lose it, leave me, and in the end I'd lose him. Disastrous.

Kyra walks in and rubs soothing circles on my back. "Hey, it'll be alright. I'm here supporting you no matter what."

"I'm scared," I whisper.

"So was I," Kyra informs me. "But then I realized how amazing it would be to have a family with Justin. He was surprised, but he was happy. Really happy. If Kason loves you as much as he says he does, he won't ditch you, babe."

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