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« Winter's POV »

I don't like it when people cater to me like I'm on my death bed. When they constantly ask if I'm okay every ten minutes. When water is brought in as if a river is flowing inside. When hot soup is given to me — and I hate soup.

What I do enjoy though, is Kason lying in bed with me. It's probably the best medicine out there anyway. It's like I'm sort of savior in the Ryhawks House now. I was discharged a week ago, yet I'm held at gunpoint (not really, at least this time) to stay in bed. I feel fine. But when Dr. Shepard said to take it extremely easy and try not to overwork my heart for awhile, Kason took it to his grave that he wouldn't let me off the bed unless he says to.

I'm not kidding. One time I had to pee really bad and tried to get up, only for him to sit up in the middle of his sleep, bear hug me, and ask, "Where the hell do you think your cute ass is going?"


I've liked it I suppose. I enjoy being cradled in his arms all the time. It's a warm and cozy and safe cocoon. So don't get me wrong when I say this, but I really wanna fall out of his caging limbs and fall onto the ground face first. It's getting exhausting just laying around all the time, as ironic as that seems.

Like I said, it does have its pros. For example, I can't sleep without him anymore. I freak out in my sleep, which was extremely bad for my heart in the beginning. Whenever I nap or sleep through the night, Kason needs to be there. For some reason I don't have the night terrors with him around.

Still, it's time for me to stand on my own two legs on my own terms.

I stretch my arms above my head and then glance at Kason. He's at the foot of the bed, lying on his stomach and playing a game on his phone. Slowly, my eyes land on the comforter. Then my hand, very carefully, goes for the sheets to take them off of me.

And for whatever reason, Kason senses me. My eyes widen, and I squeak in surprise when he grips my ankle as I'm halfway out of the bed. He immediately shoves his phone into his pocket and stands up as I hang halfway off of the bed and groan in dismay.

"What are you doing, Clumsy?" he asks, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Escaping the clutches of thy dungeon."

He rolls his eyes. "Just a little longer. Take one more day off."

I huff and sit up again, slumping into a slouched position against the bed frame. "You say that everyday. I'm fine now. Really. I need to walk on my feet like a normal person. You're taking my ability to walk for granted!" I throw my hands in the air before letting them plop onto the covers again.

Kason looks at me impatiently, thinking over my request. I know it seems ridiculous that I can't just show him who's boss and stand, but he's tackled me before. And pinned me. And tickled me.

Before kissing me.

That probably wasn't good on my heart either, because that bad boy was pumpin' pretty quick.


"I'm just worried about you," he says. "I hate to sound corny on the ears, but I already lost someone I loved once, Clumsy. I don't plan on doing it again."

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