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'Kacchan? Who is that? Do I know him?' I strained to find any memories of the ash blonde in my blurry mind instead being met with a migraine. Subconsciously I turned my head, looking at the crosswalk sign '7 seconds...I hope I can make it...' I ran as fast as I possibly could, "Kacchan" and his friend trailed me. With one final surge of energy I made it to the other side of the street, but as I continued to run straight I heard a sickening noise, and a yelp in pure agony. Nonetheless I kept running, making occasional turns into the unknown. Until I reached a small but familiar house.

I read the name plate plastered under the mailbox. 'Midoriya' I sighed in relief remembering bits and pieces of my childhood. I tried to remember the code to open the gate to my house: 5-2 was the most I got. Desperate, I rang the doorbell. "Hello? This is Midoriya Inko can I help you?" Her voice had an unbelievably sad tone to it. I felt my eyes water as I spoke, "Mom its me Izuku!" I heard her voice crack as she said I'll be right there. The door opened and she ran over to me, bawling with relief. I felt tears run down my cheeks as well as she showered me with hugs and kisses,

But something was wrong.


I stared at Kirishima, we were in a hospital he had just gotten out of sugery. 'He probably hates you now. It's your fault isn't it Bakugou?' I blamed my self internally as I waited alone in hope he might wake up today. I heard the clatter of the door open, I looked up, "Uraraka-san..." I greeted the brunette formally for the first time ever. Ochako looked up with shock, "Bakugou?! How long have you been here?" She questioned, walking over to the seat next to mine. I grunted a small hello in response.

We didn't talk after that. She just waited about an hour then she left, putting flowers and a card on the table. 'She thinks he's going to die too doesn't she?' I felt my heartbeat slowly speeding up with every breath I took. I fumbled with my backpack attempting to get out my Anxiety medication. 'Two just two.' I reminded myself, thinking of the times I had nearly killed myself because of overdosing. I took out 6 pills anyway. I walked over to the sink and began filling a paper cup with water. "Katsu-ki...." A, quiet voice stuttered, I spun around. "Kirishima?" I have a sigh of relief. I realized he was eyeing the capsules on the table, "Just two." I looked at him, quizzically 'How does he know how many I've been prescribed?!' Regardless I ran across the room forgetting the pills and my state of mind. "Kirishima-kun! Thank god you're ok! I was afraid you were going to die before I could kill you myself! Don't you ever pull that kind of shit again ok?!" I practically screamed, hugging him relieved. I'm not going to lose another friend.


I can't remember much, but so far this is what I've pieced together.
• my name is Izuku Midoriya
• I am currently 15 years old
• I was quirkless
• A kid named Katsuki Bakugou (Kacchan) bullied me for being quirkless
• I failed the UA entrance exam
• My quirk is from the number 1 hero, All Might
• I failed All Might

I stared at the papers, scattered on my desk of what other useless information I had remembered such as: my favorite color is green. I like Tayaki. I really hated that one time I nearly fell off that cliff on that one field trip and everybody just laughed. I hit my head, 'Stupid stupid stupid Deku think!' I looked around trying to recall what had happened before I got myself into this mess with villains and heroes. 'I just want to go back....'

"Wow! Kacchan your quirk is so cool! When I get my quirk I want it to be just as cool!"

"Whatever Izuku your quirk will never be as cool as mine"

"Shitty quirkless Deku can't you do anything?"

"Go take a swan dive off the roof and hope that you'll be reborn with a quirk in your next life!"

That was the only thing that filled my head, memories. Bad memories of Katsuki, ridiculing me, hitting me, burning me. 'Katsuki is a bad person.' I smiled to myself, 'Bad people are villains and villains need to be punished....right All Might?' I got out from under the thick layers of my bedsheets, turned on my desk lamp then started butchering my note pads with writing. Random words occasionally but the one recurring word was Kacchan.

I felt a warm ray of sunlight fill my room, lightly rubbing my back with it's warmth. "Wait it's morning already?" I asked myself, shocked. "At least its Saturday." I continued filling out notebooks for roughly one more hour, waiting for my mother to wake up. "Its nine... I guess I'll eat breakfast now." I got up from my chair and made my way down the hall to the kitchen. "Good morning Izuku." She smiled at me while giving me a bowl of steamed rice, nodding for me to sit down, I obliged and ate a fair amount, as she clamored on about how I should be more careful. I ignored her, concentrating on my own thoughts. My own plans.

"Izuku please please be careful don't talk with anyone who you don't know unless its absolutely necessary." I nodded as she continued to lecture me on how to stay safe. I grabbed my phone on my way out the door like she had asked. But the moment I was out the front yard, my goals changed staying safe in public was the thing I was least worried about.

I walked into the downtown mall. I walked into a small pastry shop, Aoi Café and Bakery. Despite how small the shop was it was packed with many other people. My eyes searched for her, I was not disappointed indeed the young gravity user was sitting at the back of the shop, alone. Ochako Uraraka attends U.A. high school class 1-A. Kacchan's class. I tiptoed over to the seat behind her's and sat down after a few minutes of waiting I decided to take my chances before she left.

"Uraraka-san quirk: Zero Gravity. Attending U.A. High School, hero course class 1-A. correct?" I whispered in her ear, she started to turn her head around to face mine. "Look at me, call for help or leave and I kill everyone in this shop except you. I don't think a hero in training wants to end up in jail." I felt her demeanor change it was like she was an entirely different person.


I stiffened in fear, 'If I even look at his face he'll frame me for mass murder. Clever.' I nodded agreeing, what else could I do? Even if I am in the hero course I'm still very inexperienced with this sort of thing. "Now Uraraka-san I want you to tell me every thing you know about all the teachers at U.A high. Including their schedules for next week" He handed me a notepad, "Write everything you know down here."

I jotted down everything from the top of my head. I didn't know anyone's schedule exept for Aizawa-sensei and All Might's. As soon as I finished I passed the pad of papers back to the villain. "Very good Ochako ♡" I sat uncomfortably, my cheeks heating up as I heard him count through the countless pages filled with valuble information on the staff of U.A. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a sudden sharp pain against my thigh, looking down I saw a small box cutter edged into my skin. Stifling a small gasp as he shoved it deeper into my leg, swirling it around with a quiet but sickening sound, hitting my bone easily making my face pale. "Now if you tell anyone about this I'll make sure that you're parents die a painful death." I felt my eyes water, thinking about my fathers fragile economic stability. As I nodded in agreement he pulled out the razor-blade, cleansed it then quickly concealed the wound with medical tape. "You can go now." He said in a cold tone as I slipped away into the crowed I swore I heard him say, sorry. 'Who the hell was that?'

His name is Izuku and he's sorry for the cringe of my writing.
- Suzuné

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