「14•Just Me」

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"Todoroki..." My voice faltered looking at his bruised face, blood dripping down onto the ground, forming a small puddle near my feet. My eyes wandered over to Kota, Pixie Bob's young nephew. He looked tired and his face was scraped but his injuries were not nearly as bad as Todoroki-kun's. "Hi Ochako~" The villain smiled down at me, fiddling with Todoroki's two toned hair. "Give them back!" I ordered but the young villain threw his head back, laughing. "You're really scary when you're angry aren't you?" He bashed Shouto's head into a large branch. "I'm really terrified." I picked up a medium sized rock using my quirk, attempting to look menacing. "Give back Todoroki and Kota!" I was prepared to launch the stone at the hooded boy, "Sure." I lowered the rock, "Choose one."

"I'm going to save them both whether you like it or not!" I shot back, determined to get back both my classmate and the young child, Kota. "Take one or get nothing. That's the deal here Uraraka-chan." His lips parted revealing almost perfect white teeth, "So choose, Endeavor's son or a defenseless child?" I felt small beads of sweat form on my cheeks, 'I can't decide!' I fidgeted with my hands, 'I just ca-' My lips moved before I could process what words had fallen out of my mouth, "Todoroki!" I clamped my hand over my mouth but it was too late Shouto had been carelessly dropped to the ground. "W-why- did you do it?" Todoroki choked out of his mouth in obvious pain. "Heroes cant save everyone Uraraka-chan.." he laughed jumping from tree to tree using something I presumed was his quirk.

I fell to my knees in defeat, "K-kot-t-ta." My voice cracked, releasing long awaited tears. "I could have saved him." I coughed for a minute then continued, "I should have saved him." Todoroki struggled to sit up, he gasped clutching his ankle in shock. "Are you ok?" I sniffled, rubbing my nose with the back of my hand, "I-I think I landed wrong..." his eyes glimmered with tears that refused to fall. "Don't worry we'll get you to a teacher." I told him lifting him up with my quirk.

I began running through the deep woods until I saw a tsunami of mist, "What the-" I squinted my eyes attempting to see through it, Todoroki's hand slapped my face, "Don't go in there Uraraka-chan..." I looked up at him annoyed, 'You didn't have to slap me.' I growled inside my head, "Ok why?" I asked as the fog drifted towards us, "That's poison gas. Its coming from a villain named-" "Oh! Mayonnaise right? That's his villain name." I interrupted, he looked somewhat amused at what I had said, "It's Mustard but close enough." I inhaled, prepared to contradict his statement but along with air I got a mouthful of intoxicated gas. I started coughing.

Bakugou pov

"Fuck!" I cursed "Stupid rock." I kicked it, 'How annoying' I continued dashing up the steep hill. "GET OUT HERE YOU OVERLY BUFF PIECE OF SHIT!" I reached the ledge in seconds, finally faced with the villain known as Muscular. "It seems you've made it here." He snarled lumbering over to where I stood. "I guess so." I replied, forcing small explosions pop out from my hands. I quickly ran over to him taking hold of his arm, burning it. As expected a new muscle grew over the small burn. Muscular laughed maniacally beginning to throw random punches at my head. "I thought you were supposed to be strong." I mocked pressing my hand into his neck letting a much larger explosion out of my fingers. He easily regenerated, stronger than before. Before I could dodge he made a strong blow to my head.

"Same goes for you." He grinned aiming another one at my stomach, I choked up a bit of the terrible curry we had made for dinner. "You're so weak I wonder why they want you to join!" The villain taunted, continuing to leave bruises and scars on my body. Just as I was about to faint from the blood loss, Muscular collapsed writhing on the ground in pain. I looked up at my "savior" who ever it was: male or female, old or young I thanked the hooded person silently. "Are you ok?" They asked a worried tone was edged into their voice, the hooded figure offered their hand out to me. "Sure." I grunted pulling myself up. Suddenly a sharp pain erupted on the back of my wrist. I cried out in shock, "WHAT THE FUCK?" My vision started to blur and I felt myself crumple onto the ground.

Uraraka pov

I awoke to the sound of a crackling fire, in a way it sounded ominous. 'I need to find Kota!' Was my immediate thought, I quickly ran outside wherever I was. I had made my way into into a grey hallway but spotted someone who I labeled as Todoroki he must have seen me as well because hd began dashing down the corridor. "Uraraka-chan." He grabbed my hand, "Get back in your room." He tried to drag me back but I refused I ran the other direction, eventually he cornered me. "I'm going to find Kota." I insisted as I began to slip past him. As I tried to force my way out of Todoroki's grasp on me his face began to melt, slowly taking on a more feminine form.

Blonde hair, heavy amber eyes and very sharp teeth. I gasped at the shapeshifter, "You're not Todoroki-kun..." She smiled widely at me, "That's right I am most definitely not the son of Endeavour. Name's Himiko Toga, Toga Himiko. Nice to meet you~" Toga chirped, licking her lips as she reached into her pocket and retrieved a very large syringe. "What the hell?" She grinned at my disturbed face, "I need lots and lots of yummy blood~" Toga said in a child-like voice as she pushed the needle into my exposed arm I began to feel faint as I looked at the amount of blood she had extracted from only my arm. "You can go now Ochako-chan!" She skipped down the hallway I had come from. I clutched my stinging arm and proceeded to walk towards what I perceived as a door. As I threw it open I bumped straight into Erasure Head. "Uraraka-san?!" He reached for my collar attempting to restrain me from going outside. "I'm going to look for Kota." I shook off his hand and ran back into the forest.

Bakugou pov

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I screeched at the small figure who was attempting to tie thick ropes around my wrists. "You're making this so hard for me I really hate that." He pulled the restraints tighter, forcing blood out of my irritated hands. "AT LEAST TRY TO BE CAREFUL!" I tried kicking over the villian but he easily dodged it. I felt a slimy feeling cover my bleeding wrists, 'Oh. God. No.' I strained to look backwards but failed, 'Is he really doing what I think he is?' I lurched backwards causing the disturbing sensation to stop, "WHAT THE HELL?" I growled, "Kacchan didn't like that?" The small voice asked in a disappointed tone, I felt a quiet gasp escape my mouth, "D-did you just say K-kacchan?" He pulled back his hood, revealing messy dark green hair and small freckles. "It's just me Kacchan~" The familiar voice breathed, sadistically.

I AM HERE! Unfortunately I couldn't fit everything I wanted to into this chapter but somehow I will smush it in the next one... its not very good but here have a Toga-chan :/

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