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I winced in fear watching as the door to my room was opened

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I winced in fear watching as the door to my room was opened. The young boy walked over to me, I could tell the only reason he came in to the room was to torment me again. "Good morning Sho-chan." His cold voice echoed in the darkened room. The villain reached his arms around my back and undid the cloth tied around my neck. The moment my head was free from the restraints I opened my mouth to spit out the shards of broken glass Izuku had stuffed inside my mouth the previous night. "You basthtard." I forced the words out of my bleeding mouth, spitting out the excess shards of glass.

"The heroeth-" I choked on the crimpson substance stuck in the back of my mouth, "They will find you and arrest you!" Izuku pulled my hair forcing me to face him, "Really now. Sho-chan, you've been here for three weeks and all they've done is talk about saving you but they never do." He released his tight grasp forcing my head to snap down. "I'm honestly tired of your senseless faith in the heroes." He turned on his heel and walked back over to the door, he paused, "Again I was going to give you food and again you make this so damn difficult." It was wrong but I was so hungry.

"Wait-pleasth wait..." I begged, he glanced back at me, "What? Now you regret standing up for your damn hero friends?" He stalked back over to me, kicking me in the gut, forcing unwanted blood to splatter across the floor. "Whatever." He slammed the door behind him, engulfing me in shadows. During that long day all I could do was sit and think. 'How much longer?' I thought to myself, 'Will they even come to save me?' I wondered, 'Why did it have to be me?' I asked myself as tears welled up in my eyes. Those thoughts ran continuously through my head for hours until the door opened swiftly, the light blinded me. But it wasn't Izuku.

It was a girl someone I had never seen before. She had long unkept hair and dull blue eyes. "H-hi..." She stuttered walking over to me. It wasn't until my eyes fully adjusted to the new lighting that I realized she was carrying a small bowl full of instant ramen. 'My dad hates that stuff so we never got any but....' I eyed the steaming bowl, 'It certanly does smell good...' She set the down the bowl, to undo the cloth wound around my head. "Thank you.." I stammered back, she kind of nodded back at me and started undoing the knot on my hands. 'Wait I can eat myself this time?!' The moment my hands were released my cracked, dry wrists released small beads of blood I didn't mind, I was able to eat. 'Yeah its unhealthy and full of salt, but its amazing!' I looked up from my bowl, noticing that that the girl was still next to me.

Obligated to start a conversation I decided on a prompt, "So uhh how are you?" I tried she looked at me with eyes full of suspicion, "Very good." She had a beautiful Korean accent but the dullness of her speech took some of the glory away. "Thanks for bringing me the food." I was very thankful for such a nice action in such a terrifying situation. She slipped the empty bowl away from my hands, tied my arms, leaving my mouth free. Then started towards the door, "Thank Izuku-nii." She locked the door behind her.

I laid atop my bed, 'I don't know anymore.' I thought to myself, looking at the shadowed ceiling. 'I don't know who I am anymore. Am I Deku? Am I Izuku?' I felt hot breathing on my neck, I felt my instincts kick in as I rolled off the bed. It was Kacchan. No just a illusion of him. "Oi Deku why are you always ignoring me?" The hallucination asked, walking towards me. "You're not real!" I whispered in annoyance, glaring at it. "I'm not but the real Kacchan is." He replied logically, "Not for long." I couldn't breath but the reality of myself could.
The real me could.

I made my way down the hallway to the locked door. This feeling, whenever I was going into that room it was like I was doing everything without realizing it. 'I feel empty doing these sort of things. When I'm doing this sort of thing im not Deku or Izuku, something else entirely.' I unlocked the door, inviting myself inside. Todoroki was quietly sleeping. I crouched down to the floor, "Sho-chan." I whispered in his ear. His eyelids barely opened but I could tell he was still asleep.

"Sho-chan wake up." I said much louder. Suprised he woke with a jolt, he looked fearful. "You slept in today." I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. "Sho-chan we're going to try something a bit different today." I declared, powering my phone on. "Wha-" I slapped him across his face, "Who said you could speak?" I growled at him. "Anyways we decided to let you talk to one of your classmates for a couple of minutes sound good?" I grinned at him, he nodded clearly confused as I dialed Ochako's phone number and switched it to the video call setting.

In under 5 seconds she picked up. "Hello?" She asked, then let out a horrified gasp, cupping a hand over her mouth. "Todoroki-kun?!" She looked truly panicked. "Uraraka, Ochako unless you want your parents to die, I don't suggest hanging up." I warned, gravely. She nodded, agreeing. Sho-chan looked up at me expectantly, I nodded back at him and started a timer. "Uraraka I just wanted you to know I'm still alive but I'm not sure for how much longer. I can't say for sure but I think I'm not the only hostage here. Please Uraraka-chan try and send help as soon as possible." He rushed the ending as I clicked the timer off. "So Uraraka are you going to help your friend?" I asked, walking over to grab the stolen lighter. "What are you-" Started Ochako "W-w-ait no! Stop!"

I flicked it on, releasing a rush of heat. Pressing it against his already burnt skin. Todoroki swallowed a screech of pain, letting tears drip down his cheeks. I wiped his bloodied face, dropping the inactive lighter on the ground. "Guess we don't need that anymore." I picked out a rope and wrapped it around his neck. "STOP THAT YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" Uraraka screamed into her phone desperately. "No I don't plan on killing him yet." I corrected her pulling the rope tighter around his neck, releasing choking gasps from the captive, I stopped "Oh well then," I laughed "We'll try this again tomorrow won't we Sho-chan?" I ended the call, walking out of the room.

I entered the bar-like room looking for Tomura, "Oh hello Kuro-kun." A nickname I had given the mist-man, "Do you know where Shigaraki-san is?" I questioned, "He's very busy right now and said specifically not to let the yellow bitch or little green kid bother him. I forgot what he called Dabi-san." He replied picking up another glass (that had no marks whatsoever) to polish. "Ok." I slipped into a seat nearest to him. "I'll just wait here then."

Todoroki's pov

I felt even more dizzy from the blood loss as Izuku-kun prepped his phone again for yet another live call presumably with another classmate. "You know Katsuki right?" Izuku asked me as he brought out a box of medical supplies. 'What does he want with Bakugou?' My brain felt like splitting in half, this was too much for my mind to handle. 'Why call him?!' I was so shocked that I couldn't bring myself to let my words roll off my tongue. "What's with that face of yours?" Izuku began cleansing the new wound on my face. "You look so pale. You're just going on call with Kacchan?" 'Kacchan.' The word didn't sit well with me. 'He has no right to call Bakugou-san, by such a childish nickname.' I rethought my silent statement, 'I don't think he has the right to call him by such a childish nickname...'

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