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I walked out of my house, it was cold and was lightly raining

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I walked out of my house, it was cold and was lightly raining. I had grabbed an umbrella though I really didn't need it until much later I quickly realized that as I walked on to the mainstreet of the city. I made countless mistakes, trying to find the building when I only had the street name and address. 'This idiot he could have just told me to meet up at a park or the mall. Honestly who would give out their address?' I walked onto the narrow street I found the house easily and rang the doorbell. A young man only in his early 20's answered the door, "Who are you?" He looked me up and down, confused on why a teen was on a villain's doorstep. "Nobody of your concern." I replied, I could tell the epiphany hit him like a brick. I recalled our last conversation, scratch that more like encounter.

what time is it? Flashback time

I turned into another alleyway, tailing the villain. 'He knows about Kacchan's schedule.' I felt my spine tingle with excitement, I was going to find out everything about Kacchan! We turned another corner but it was different, this time it led to a dead end. The masked villain turned around to head back out and noticed me. "Trying to be a fucking hero?" His voice had a slight edge in it, making me excited. "Sure let's leave it at that." I inched closer to the masked man. As expected he used his quirk (light manipulation) when I got "too close" to him, I easily dodged his attempt to escape and ran after him. I grabbed his hand and led him into a very narrow space.

I shoved him against the wall, "Uchida Yojiro 22 years if age. Quirk: light manipulation. Status, villian." I told him "who are you?" I grinned at him, "Nobody of your concern." I replied "Now I'll help you avoid the heroes if you do something for me." He nodded, desperate for help. "Anything please!" I took his hand in mine and we began to run in the back alleys of Musutafu city. Eventually we neared the next town over where he apparently lived. "So what do you want?" Uchida asked, I grinned back at him, "I'm glad you asked."

Flash back time has stopped

He quickly invited me into his house. I looked around as we stepped deeper into his living space. 'I wonder does he live alone? Or does he share an apartment?' As we walked down a darkened hallway it became clearer that he lived alone. He probably worked alone, only taking what he wants and needs, sometimes food sometimes life. We quickly reached the stairs to the basement. 'Oh... I know where this is heading.' I thought in amusement.

looked around the cramped room, I could tell instantly that it was used for torture. 'If he was going to try to harm me like this he should have made it less obvious honesty, there's a shelf full of knifes and other varieties of torture devices what a fucking idiot.' I thought to myself, not paying attention to my temporary captor. When I snapped back into reality I realized that he had cornered me into the back of the room, "Did a little shit like you really think you could try and get some spare money by helping me?" Uchida snarled at me, shoving a knife into my side. "And a son of a bitch like you thinks that you can try and kill me?" I quicky grabbed his head and bashed it into the wall, taking his knife and plunging it deep into the side of his arm.

I had strapped him to a chair, as I inspected the wide array of materials he had proudly put on display I slipped on some rubber medical gloves I keep in my pocket incase things get to messy. I found a lighter amongst some knives and knew immediately I had to try it out. "I didn't know you had a one of these Uchida-san." He grunted, trying to move over to see what I had gotten a hold of. "You have to give up a whole lot of money to those sketchy people selling on the black market don't you Uchida-san...." I made my way over to him, grinning at his beutifully terrified face, streaming with tears.

I placed the lighter on a table next to the chair, picking up a perfectly sharp knife. I moved his dark hair off to the left side of his head as to not let his hair get singed. Then very carefully I pressed the knife against his pale skin. He let out a pained scream, muffeled by my hand, shoved into the back of his throat. I carved presice chunks of delicite skin off of his perfect, smooth face. "This day is going to be so much more fun than I thought it would be, right Uchida-san?" I took the lighter in my hand then slowly burnt his wounded cheek. I felt my heart leap with delight at his desperate shrieks of agony.

I became bored after playing around with Uchida-san and decided to get in with the questions on Kacchan. "Really all I wanted to know was about this kid, Bakugou, Katsuki." His eyes widened at the mention of his name. "You are in a good relationship with his mother correct Uchida?" He nodded, "Yes i am good friends with Mitsuki." He said dully 'This is going to be a lot more easy than I expected' My hand slipped into my pocket and pulled out one of my small notepads along with a cheap black pen.

'I probably should have untied that idiot.' I thought to myself as I walked home. It was now raining so hard it sounded like people throwing millions of marbles on the ground. I was now glad I took an umbrella with me. I walked down a busy street, my mind clouded with random thoughts, attempting to get the subject of 'oh yeah hey I just killed a man I barely knew because I wanted to know some kid's school scedual' off my mind. Eventually I reached my house and invited myself inside.

"Hey Mom I'm back." I announced, walking into the kitchen. "Wow Mom that smells good." I lied, though her rice was always rather delicious she put something in her miso that made me nauseous and prone to extreme panic attacks. "Dinner will be ready in a half hour Izu." I made my way into my room and locked my door, 'Kacchan is a bad person.' I reminded myself as I began to copy down his class schedule for U.A. on a clean sheet of paper.

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