Part 1

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Aubrey's POV:

I just got back from school and I quickly rush into my room upstairs to go do my homework so I can go over to Cash's house and get out of this hellhole for the week since we have it off. (30 minutes later) I'm finally done with this dumbass homework, I better text Cash and let him know that I'm headed over there. As soon as I start walking downstairs I see my father standing at the end of the stairs staring at me with bloodshot eyes, a broken beer bottle in his hand, a cigarette in his mouth and swaying back and forth, side to side, trying to stay upright. So I say to him "H-hey da-a-ad, w-where i-i-i-is mo-m-m?" He replies slurring "aaaaaat thhhhheeee beeeer shooopppp." I say back to him "uh ok, well I gotta g- "He interrupts me and says "You arnt going anywhere little girl." He runs up the stairs and grabs me and drags me down the stairs by my arm. Then he takes the broken beer bottle and hits me with it and cuts me with it. I'm screaming for him to stop but he just doesn't listen. He takes his cigarette and lighter and burns my face, my arms, my stomach, and my feet with it. At this point I'm crying and begging him to stop. Then he punches my eye....and then I'm to the breaking point to do anything for him to stop. So then I just pretend I got knocked out, so I just lay there lifelessly in hopes he will go away. Luckily it works, I stay there for about 10 minutes and then I get up as fast as I can and peek around the corner to see where my dad is and I see him passed out with an empty wine bottle in his hand and him laying on the couch. So I go back upstairs and change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt to hide all my injuries. I go back downstairs and out of the house and run across the street as fast as I can so nobody can see my wounds. And I finally get to his house and let myself in and run up to Cash's room.

~The Boy Next Door~ A Cash Baker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now