Part 15

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Aubrey's POV:

I hear a quiet "I Love You" and then a big boom. Within a few seconds my life flashed before my eyes. So much was happening all at once I just could comprehend it all in my head. Once I reach ground again I rush to the crash area and immediately dial 911. They come quick and we start searching for Cash and the pilot. We find them both...dead. "NO THIS CANT BE HAPPENING" I shout on the top of my lungs while crying. "I'm so sorry ma'am" the officer says to me. I rush over to his body and rub my fingers through his hair and lift his head and put it on my lap. I look at his damaged body and face and my tears drip all over him. I give him a kiss and hold his hand before the officers take his dead...lifeless...body to the hospital. The officers bring me home and I just lay in bed all day being really depressed. I let everyone in both of the families and his friends know what is going on and what happened and I scheduled a funeral for tomorrow. I sleep for a long time until I wake up in the morning at 11 with the funeral in 2 hours. I get ready in a black dress and heels with curled hair and a little bit of make-up. I drive to the hospital to see my precious boy. I can't even look at him without bawling. I give him a kiss and say "Baby I love you." They bring his body to the funeral home and put him in a open casket for people who want to see him. I decorate the place and wait for family and friends to arrive. Once they are all here and seated I start the funeral off. "Hi everyone, thank you all for coming to this tragic, unexpected occasion. Now let's see if I can get through this without crying" i say laughing and tearing up. "Yesterday was a sudden, unexpected, and tragic day for all of us as we lost such a great and wonderful human being. Cash was lost way too soon, only at the age of 20. Cash and I have been bestfriends, Partners in Crime, Amigos, 2 Peas in a Pod, and most importantly the love of each others lives, for 15 years. Through thick and thin he has and was always there for me and family and friends. He was such a genuine lovely man to have in your life. He was just awesome and anyone who was a part of his life was very lucky. He made a room light up and made everyone's day better. He was just the best person I could have ever asked for in my entire life and I thank him everyday. And it was all because he was... The Boy Next Door."

Hi everyone!!! Hope you enjoyed the story! Thank you for all the love on this story!❤

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