Part 3

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Aubrey's POV:

(6:00 pm) As I wake up from my much needed nap I sit up and stretch and take a big ass yawn. Then I heard my stomach grumble. So I get up and go look for Cash. I leave his room and head across the hallway to go see if he is in Mav's room. I peek through the crack between the door and the wall and I see Cash and Mav laying on Mav's bed on their phones. So I quietly sneak to the end of the bed so they can't see me. Forgetting that I had all the wounds, I jump on them, all 5'2", 100 lbs of me. I immediately scrunched up my face in pain but making sure I make no noises. "What the fuck Aubrey", Mav says laughingly. Right after Cash says laughing, "Damn it Aubs." I start laughing and wiggle my way in between the boys, I look and smile at both of them and they look and smile back. Then I say "I'm hungry we should go grab something to eat", Mav looks at me and says, "Sounds good to me Aubs, let's go, Come on Cashy boy." Cash replies to him staring, "Shut up Mav." I start laughing. We hop into Maverick's car and I take shotgun, and we head for McDonald's. Once we get there we all order 10 piece chicken nuggets and head back to the Cash and Mav's car.

~The Boy Next Door~ A Cash Baker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now