Part 13

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Aubrey's POV:

We wake up at 8:00 to get ready for out big meet and greet today. We both take nice long showers and then get ready. I'm in a bun and a tight black shirt and maroon skinny jeans with matching make-up and Vans. Cash is wearing a maroon hoodie and black ripped skinny jeans with Vans so we match. After an hour and a half of getting ready we get in a limo and go to our meet and greet. We get out of the limo and see all of our fans waiting for us all in a line. We sign a couple autographs and take some pictures before the meet and greet actually starts. We say hi to a bunch of fans and the look on their faces is awesome. We go backstage and wait for everyone to come so we can start.
About 10 minutes later we start. I just love seeing the faces on the fans when they meet us. After pictures we sign autographs. After about 5 hours total we are completely exhausted. We then go out for a late lunch at Olive Garden. We both get salads and breadsticks. Once we finish we go back to the hotel and hang out with some fans that stayed in the same hotel and go swim and go to bed for an early night.

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