Part 8

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Cash's POV:

Aubrey and I turn and look at eachother. She is just so perfect, her beautiful blonde hair, her green eyes that I get lost in, her adorable freckles and her lips. I have always wanted to kiss her. So I start talking to her, "Hey Aubs, I gotta tell ya something." "Go on" she says. "I love you and always have, you are my crush and I think you are so beautiful and I wish you were mine forever. I want a future with you, I can't imagine a future with anyone else except you." I say, and before she can reply I kiss her. Once we finish the kiss she says, "I thought it was only me that felt that way...I love you Cash. I would love to be yours." We lock lips again for like 2 minutes. Then we unlock. And stare into each others eyes. "Well I guess were together then" Aubrey says giggling. "Thank god" I say back laughing. We started making out and then, ya know, one thing lead to another.

Sorry for the short chapter, gonna try to keep this book PG!

~The Boy Next Door~ A Cash Baker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now