Part 6

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Cash's POV:

Aubrey, Mav and I head to the Oklahoma State Fair. After an almost hour drive in Mav's we finally get there. We all love rollercoasters so we went on all of them. When it came to the Steel Venom...Aubrey and I were scared out of our minds, Mav could care less. When we got on we got strapped in and we held hands. When the rollercoaster stopped we were never happier. "Omg thank God that that's over" Aubrey says shaking. "I'm happy it is too" I say hugging Aubrey. "Never again?" I ask. "Never again" she repeats. "Oh hush it you big babies" Mav says laughing. We walk to go get some food and end up getting some ice cream. Then we head over to a booth. After 3 tries, I throw the darts and pop all the balloons. The booth runner hands me a cute little panda stuffed animal. "Here you go Aubs" I say handing her the panda. "Aw thanks Cash" she says hugging me. I smile down at her. I check the time on my phone. "Its already 4 and it will be 5 by the time we get back, so I think we should head back." "I think so too" she replies. We get in Mav's car and go to DQ. We all order a chicken strip basket and blizzards. Aubrey gets a Heath one, and I get a triple chocolate one and Mav gets a Twix. We get back into Maverick's car and go back to our house.

~The Boy Next Door~ A Cash Baker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now