Part 5

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Aubrey's POV:

Cash finally wakes me up at 11:30. I change into a different sweatshirt and  and hands me a plate of scrambled eggs and pancakes. It was so good! Once I finish my food Cash comes back in with medicine for my wounds. At this point my eye is almost healed, the burns and cuts are scabbed and almost healed. I'm excited with that all. He comes and puts the medicine to make it heal fast and it stings so much, but I don't make any noises and just scrunch my face a little, luckily Cash didn't notice. He gets done finally and says "There we go, all done. Hopefully by tomorrow they will all be good and healed", "I sure hope so" I say back. Cash comes and sits next to me on his bed and we start talking. "So Aubs, what should we do?" Cash asks. "Hmm, I'm not sure. Starbucks?" I ask. "Haha alright. Let's go" Cash says. We get an uber and head over to get some Starbucks and then go back. "What flavor did you get?" I ask Cash. "Salted Caramel Macchiato, it's super good. Wanna try?" He asks me. "Sure...Wow that is really good." I reply. "I told ya, what did you get, I wanna try." Cash says. "Vanilla bean frappuccino. Here." I say giving him the drink. "Wow that's good too" He says giving me the drink back. "I know right" I say back. "So since its Saturday, wanna go to the fair?" Cash asks me. "Sure that sounds fun!" I say

~The Boy Next Door~ A Cash Baker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now