Part 12

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Cash's POV:

I wake up at 11:30, late as usual. "Aubs, babe, c'mon you gotta get up and get ready sweetheart, its 11:30, our flights in 30 minutes." I say waking her up. Stretching she says, "Oh God really?" I reply with a nod. I get dressed in my ripped Jean's and a Thrasher shirt. Aubrey gets dressed in a yellow belly shirt, tight black jeans, black vans with light make-up and straightened hair. We get in my car as quick as we can and go to the airport. "Its 11:45 we better hurry" Aubrey says. "We'll be alright baby, it'll take us 5 minutes to get there and then we will have time to board the plane at 12" I say reassuring her and putting my hand on her thigh. She smiles at me. We get there and rush inside quick to catch our flight. We got on there just in time, not even a couple minutes later the flight leaves. "Close one" Aubrey says giggling. "Oh yeah" I say holding her hand and laughing back.

(2 Hours Later)

We finally get to Dallas and we check into our hotel. "Finally here" I say flying on the bed. "Yay" Aubrey says jumping to lay next to me. "You wanna go out and explore the city" I ask. "Sure", she smiles, "sounds fun."
"Alright let's go" I say.  We walk all over the city and explore some stores and buy some chocolate and share. Then after a few hours we go out to eat at a steak house. We both get juicy steaks and go back to the hotel to go to bed to get sleep for tomorrow.

~The Boy Next Door~ A Cash Baker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now