Part 2

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Cash's POV:

I'm just laying in bed snapchatting some friends while I wait for Aubrey to come over and hang out. And then my door opens and I see Aubrey come in. I say "Hey aubs what's u-" before I can finish she comes and lays down on the bed next to me and starts bawling. Immediately I notice her black eye. "Aubs" I say looking her in the eyes, "what the happened?" I sit her up and let her cry it all out on my shoulder. Once she stops I wipe away her tears and give her a big hug. Then I ask her again what happened and she tells me everything, all the details and the conversation. I can't help but think in my head how sorry I feel for her, it's so unfair. Once she got done telling me what happened I asked her if I could see the wounds and she showed me. I look at the injuries and get teary eyed. "Aubrey, this is by far the worst that has ever happened" I say sniffling holding back my tears. She responds quietly "I know." "Hey Aubs let me go get you some medicine and I'll be right back", I said as I was getting up. She answered back with a little smirk. (5 minutes later) As I was walking back into the room I look over to Aubrey and see her sleeping in my bed. I go and set the stuff on my desk, shut off all the lights, leave my room and go to annoy Mav to let her sleep.

~The Boy Next Door~ A Cash Baker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now