Part 7

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Aubrey's POV:

We are finally back after a long day at the fair. We go up to his room and lay down and binge watch Stranger Things. By the time we get some with season 1 its 1 in the morning. "Finally done with season one and I'm ready for bed" I say. Cash replies, "Me too." We change into the same pjs as last night and then fall asleep.

(Next Day)

This time I'm the first one up at 12. My wounds are somehow all healed thank God! Then I lay there thinking of what to do for the day. I turn over and look at Cash sleep and he looks so cute. Then I go downstairs to the kitchen to go make us some sandwiches for lunch. At 12:30 he wakes up. "Good morning sleepy head" I say to Cash. Stretching he says,  "Ughhhhh". "I got some sandwiches for us, ham and cheese" I say handing him the plate. "Tastes yummy" he says taking a bite. I smile at him. We finish our sandwiches and get ready for season 2 of Stranger Things. "You ready for this?" I ask. "Hell yes" Cash replies. "Great" I say laughing. We cuddle in the spoon position and throughout the episodes snack on popcorn, chips and dip, and some pop. When we finish season 2 it's now 8. "What a productive day huh?" Cash says laughing. "Totally" I say laughing. We turn at eachother and I stare into his beautiful baby blue eyes and I get lost in them.

~The Boy Next Door~ A Cash Baker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now