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Billy and I sat there for a while. Then I remembered what Max had said. I thought I'd ask him.
"Billy?" I said quietly.
"Yeah?" He answered.
"Did you have any girls to your house in December?" I asked hoping he wouldn't lie to me but not wanting to know the truth. He sat up.
"Like did I have sex with anyone?" Billy asked. I looked into his eyes and nodded.
"Well, Dani you were with James for some of December. So-" he started. I nodded and told him I wouldn't be mad. He took a deep breath.
"Dani, I honestly thought you were never going to talk to me again. And I was so afraid of that and the fact that I would be in love with you forever and you wouldn't even get to know. So I tried to cope and find someone else. Yes I did sleep with two other girls in December. But again that was before." Billy said very carefully. I nodded.
"Can I know who? Or when?" I asked. Billy shifted his eyes.
"Uh okay. So uh Beth Rodgers in early December and uh.. um.. you know that new girl Marylin? Well we didn't have sex but we were going to and then I couldn't stop thinking about you. I took her to my house and by the time we were in my room I knew I wasn't going to be able to do this, but she had already stripped by the time I closed my door. I didn't want to be with anyone that wasn't you. And you called me to come get you, I told her to get dress and leave. You were so much more important then anyone else." Billy said cupping my face. I nodded. So that's why she was all over him, she was trying to finish what she started.
"When was that?" I asked. Billy gulped. I looked at him waiting for an answer.
"The night of that winter break party, when you left with Cole and I assumed the worst." Billy said shamefully. I again nodded.
"Dani I'm so sorry I-" I stopped him.
"Do you ever wish you hadn't told me you loved me?" I asked keeping my eyes on one part of the floor. Billy grabbed my chin to make me look at him.
"Of course not." Billy said.
"Like do you feel like you have to stay with me now because you gave me your moms necklace and said you loved me? Do you feel like I love you more than you love me?" I asked quietly my eyes becoming glossy. Billy's mouth gaped.
"Dani. I love you more than I can tell. More than you can imagine. I would die for you. You don't under stand how much I need you." Billy said holding my face to look at him.
He searched my eyes for something. I gazed into his beautiful blue eyes. I smashed my lips into his. I kissed him slowly. He held my hair tangling his fingers in it. We weren't kissing each other as hard as earlier it was slow and full of love. I slightly moaned into the kiss as he tugged my hair. I then remember where we were. I pulled away.
"I love you." I said. That was the first time I had said it first. Billy's mouth gaped for a second before we smile and said he love me too.
"You have to leave, I'll meet you at my house Nancy and Jonathan should be home soon." I said. He nodded.
I walked him to the door and kissed him before he left. I watched as his car drove off down the street. Within 10 minutes Nancy and Jonathan were back. After they had thanked me Jonathan drove Lucas, Max and I home with Will of course. I thanked Jonathan as I got out of the car and walked to my front door. I walked inside and found Billy sitting in the couch. He stood when I came in. He smiled at me. I smiled up at him. He leaned in slowly and began to kiss me. He and I kissed while we made our way over to the couch. He finished unbuttoning his shirt and threw it to the side. He then took my shirt off. He then slowly kissed down my neck, collarbone and stomach. Then we had sex but it wasn't hungry, lustful sex. It was gentle and more full of love and emotions. It was.... making love.

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