Old Friends

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This book is a series go read the book(s) before
Ok so this story takes place 10 years later so Peter and the team are in there early twenties the avengers won't be aged up that much so mid forties ish but imagine how you want.

(Peter's P.O.V.)
As I swing through New York the snow falling so gently it looks like billions of tiny feathers falling to earth. "Hmm what am I get Wade and the team for Christmas it's only a few weeks away." I said as I stopped outside a coffee shop. I opened the door and it wasn't to busy. I asked for a medium coffee and the girl behind the counter shrieked. "Oh my god your Spider-Man can I get a selfie!" I nodded and posed for the selfie and as soon as I got my coffee I left I sat on a roof staring at all the lights of the city I saw me and Wade's apartment then I glanced over and saw Avengers tower. Me and my dads not talk a lot since our big fight a decade ago. My spider sense snapped me out of my trance as I turned around I was hit in the face with a snowball. "I told you I'd get him." Nova said fist bumping Iron Fist. And behind them where Cloak and dagger. "Hey guys what are you doing here?" I said bringing them all in for a group hug. "We were gonna spend Christmas here with you and Wade if that's alright." "Yeah that's fine!" I said joyfully before Karen interrupted our conversation. "Peter Wade's calling shall I answer." As she answered Wade's voice cane through my suit. "Are you on your gonna be late for dinner. Do I need to come get you?" I just laughed. "No I'm on my way and I'm bringing company." I said before swinging off towards my apartment with everyone following on rooftops

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