Day Out

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  Oh thank god your still here! I'm sooooo sorry for the 6 day hiatus I enjoy writing in class and on the bus but I've been super stressed and it's been causing writers block. I promise to try never to leave you guys without an update for this long be sure to follow so I can update you on when new chapters will be delayed if ever again
(Tony's P.O.V.)
   It was nearly noon when we were leaving. As we loaded in three limos. As I video called all the limos. "Change of plan we are gonna go play baseball I'll have your gear transported to the stadium." As soon as I ended the call I gave Steve a smile."
(Peter P.O.V.)
   I entered the empty stadium as soon as I gut in my suit. Soon I saw Ben, Shuri, and Bruce. Suddenly over the pound speaker I head dads voice. "Ok teams will be IronMan, Captain America, Winter Soilder, Hawkeye, Black widow, Black Panther, War Machine, Falcon, and Thor VS Spider-Man, Deadpool, Nova, Cloak, dagger, SpiderGwen and Iron fist. Send in your captain to flip a coin for who's in field and who's out field." The mic went silent as I walked towards home plate where Pops was standing. "Shocker they send captain to be captain." Dad flew over with a coin. "Heads or tales Peter you go first." I paused for a second. "Tales" dad threw the coin in the air as the dust settled it was heads. "Ok avengers are in field spider squad out field good luck." First up to bat was pops dagger pitched the ball there was a crack of it hitting the bat and it took off. "I got it!" Nova said turning around and flying after it. Like a comet he made a U turn in the sky and flew back down. "Sorry star spangled man I caught it."  "That's one out!" Pops said over the speakers.
   The game lasted two hours ending with the avengers winning by like one point. "Ok everyone me and Steve are gonna go pick up dinner and we will meet you back at the tower."   We all agreed and started heading for the locker rooms to shower. "Steve you two want to take my hover car?"  Black widow said throwing the keys. "Yea that would be great."

Beta read by yours truly

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