Visitors (Part three)

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(Peter's P.O.V.)
I landed on the roof behind the white figure. "Can I help you?" She said without turning around. "Alright who are you some sort of fan girl why did you run before and-" "Shut up he's here." She pointedly a big green guy in a brown tattered cloak. "Is that green goblin?" "I'm spider-woman and Yes I've been tracking him he's meeting with someone. Stay quiet and out of my way!" she swung to the ally. We slowly leaned over the edge and goblin was meeting with a man in a over coat. "Are we ready to engage our plan goblin?" "Yes there's just one more loose end that needs tying." "Aw gobby I didn't know you cared." Spider woman said as she landed be hing him. "Woah what is that thing." A voice behind me made me jump. "John...what are you doing here! It's not safe." The goblin turned his head and stared directly at us. His cloak fell to the ground as massive green wings extended from his back and he exploded off the ground into the air. He landed on the roof with such force it knocked us down it looks like your loose end has multiplied the man said as he floated away. "I got him!" John said making a door and running through it. Spider woman helped me and Wade up. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I stood up. "Spider-Man get out of here!" Wade said as he drew his katanas. "What no!" "Spider-Man the baby! Go now get the rest of the team." I swung off towards the tower." I landed on the landing pad and ran inside it felt like I was being stabbed in the stomach. As I got to the living room everyone looked at me. "OMG Peter your bleeding." My dad said putting his beer on the table. I looked down and there was a spike sticking out of my stomach."Wade and John need help." Is said as the pain started to cause me to pass out. As I collapsedI felt pops arms around me.
(Tandy's P.O.V.)
Steve, Tony and Bruce took Peter to the med bay. " Ok Jarvis where's Wade's suit?" "He's on the outskirts of Hell's Kitchen Miss Bowen." I gathered my thoughts. " Ok let's go cloak get us there." Cloak slowly engulfed us and teleported all of us. The green figure back handed Wade causing him to land in front of us. "Bout time guys! What did you stop for tacos?" He said as he snapped his neck back into place. "Nova, Iron fist, Cloak, Teresa keep him busy." I said as I helped Wade up. "Where John!" Zack asked. He went chasing someone a few blocks away. Zack, Shawn, Finn, Nadia and ash ran off. "Looks like I'm out numbered I'll see you soon spider woman." There was a bright light and he was gone. "Did we win?"Nova said helping Teresa up. "That's not the last we've seen of him. Wade Peter's hurt you very get back. How about all you get back I'll go get John and his friends." "I'll come to." spider woman said ass she followed me off the roof.

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