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(Peter's P.O.V.)
   I woke up around around three in the morning to my spider senses tingling. I sat up and looked around there was nothing and no one in the dark room. There was a sound of glass shattering down the hall. "Oh my god Ben!" I said as I threw my blankets off the bed and jumping over wade to get my web shooters and running into bens room in my underwear and a t-shirt.
   Standing over bens crib was goblin. "It's good to see you Spider-Man." He said as he grabbed Ben and threw the crib at me. There was a white flash and Gwen had jumped in front of me and we were both slammed against the wall. As we we're knocked out. "Get them to the med bay. I woke up to a sharp pain in my side. "Mr. Peter I must advise you from moving you have three cracked ribs." And I felt like it too. "I'm fine... woah she's not."  I looked at a bloody Gwen. "Miss Stacy had four cracked ribs and a punctured lung from a price of stray crib." I slowly stumbled out the door to the elevator. "Take me to the avengers floor." As the elevator to door opened I fell out. "Hey Peter be careful why are you out of bed. Jarvis why didn't you stop him." Teresa said helping me up. " I can not physically stop him Miss Teresa." Jarvis replied. When I final could stand I noticed it was just Teresa, Dad and Pops in the room. "Where is everyone?" Dad set down his drink. "Where do you think coming the city for Ben." Then it all came flooding back goblin taking Ben. Gwen saving me all of it. "I need to help!" "No pete your to hurt the team and the avengers got it."
(Wade's P.O.V.)
   We combed the city looking for any sign of Ben. We as we were heading back to the tower to regroup there was a flash in the sky and I saw a group a kids falling as I looked closer I noticed it was John and his team. "Guys is someone gonna catch them?" I said in a worried town into the coms. Then I saw Nova, Cloak and Thor fly up and catch two each. "We're taking them to the tower red." Nova called over the coms. When I arrived at the tower Tandy had just gotten there. I saw Peter in the living room. "Wade I'm glad your ok where's Ben..." He said with tears welling up in his eyes. "He's gone I couldn't find him." I said pulling him into my chest. "John and his team are in the med bay they where pretty banged up." Nova said taking his helmet off.

(Meanwhile below the hutson)

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