Story Time

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(Peter's P.O.V)
  "Well it all started on my last year of S.H.I.E.L.D school I was about fifteen. I was walking in the hall when out of nowhere the school bully Johnny grabbed my books from me. Johnny was the cool kid of the school and daddy was more like a delinquent." I said smiling at wade. "Johnny could control fire so he slowly lit pages of my books on fire. I notice my spider senses telling me to back up. I listened and thank Odin I did. It was daddy he was in the ducts above us and he did something you should never do to anyone no matter how mean..." "I peed on him! You should have seen his face and I think he had his mouth open" Wade shouted followed by laughing uncontrollably. "Anyway... Uncle Sam flew under Johnny knocking him down and my books in the air. Uncle Danny ran down the hall and flipped over Johnny and grabbed my books. Uncle Tyrone teleported Aunt Tandy above Johnny and she pinned him to the floor with her daggers. It's was awesome. And she said..." "If you ever mess with my friends again your clothes won't be the only thing with a hole in it." Tandy said walking picking up Ben and tickling him. "Now the little rugrat won't got to sleep!" Sam said walking in with Danny and Teresa and Tyrone. "Were you guys listening?" Wade asked with a smile. "We always listen in Peter does good story time voices isn't that right Jarvis?" Tandy said getting comfortable on the bed. "Yes Miss Bowen he should try broadway." Jarvis responses getting a chuckle out of all of us. "All right one more story everybody get comfortable." Peter told one more story and all of them passed out on the bed and floors.

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