Fun and Fans

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Fun fact I'm writing this chapter in the bubble bath only light is my phone and 3 candles on the bathtub. Listening to my YouTube playlist today is a bit of a spa day xD.

(Peter's P.O.V.)
  It had been a day since Bens skin had completely hardened into a white shell. With the exception of a few twitches he hasn't moved. Uncle Bruce said he would be fine and should last three days tops. "I'm so glad we don't do that." Gwen said handing me a plate with a sandwich on it. I gave her a sight chuckle. "Is Wade still out at the market with the team?" I asked taking a bite out of my sandwich . "Yeah he will probably be gone most of the day. The avengers were need in Wakanda and left this morning. Let's not worry about them let's you and me go have a spiders day out." I thought about it. "Ok let me get my suit. Jarvis let me know if anything changes with Ben." The robots voice came over the speaker. "Yes sir I'll also have a live feed going so you can check in at any time." I thanked him and went to my room to grab my suit. By the time I got it on Gwen was on the terrace. "Ready to go?" I nodded and we jumped the wind blowing against my mask on the way down I stared at the glass as we fell downward. Our reflections shimmering back at us along with and upside down city. "Race you to Washington square park!" I called out as I flipped right side up and shot a web at a near by building Gwen soon followed. We weaved through building separating then coming back together. It was close but Gwen beat me by a millisecond. "How's my dust taste Spider-Man." She said putting her hand on her hip. "I wasn't that far behind. Hey spider-man can we have your autograph?" A girl with red hair and tan jacket and green pants said practically dragging another girl with dark hair a red shirt and blue jeans. "Sure don't see why not." I took her pen and paper and wrote.

Your friend Spider-Man says your amazing.

  "Aww man it's so nutty running into you hear like what are the odds!" I handed the paper to Spider-Woman to sign. "Yeah...what you guys doing here?" The other girl spoke in a nervous tone. Spider-Woman wrote something and handed back to the girls. "This is our day away from the team to have some fun. You guys got and ideas?" Spider-Woman asked. "Oh my
Acorns you guys should go to the trees in Central Park and use your webs to make pictures and we can judge them! We are heading there now." The red head spoke up. "Sounds fun let's do it! Hop on our backs we can give you a ride." I said turning around for them to hop on.

Beta read by yours truly

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