Preparing for Pain

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(Peter's P.O.V)
   As we shuffled out of the elevator everyone was hear Tachalla, Shuri, Vision, Wanda, Clint, Natasha, Bucky, Falcon, Rhodey,Thor, Banner. Everyone was cluttered in the living room and kitchen. "Hey guys I said walking up and giving them all hugs." Sam and Clint started fighting over the remote while Natasha watched. Bruce was reading on the recliner and talking to shuri soon joined by my dad. Thor and Danny where talking Tandy and Tyrone went over and talked to rhodey and Bucky. Meanwhile I followed pops in the kitchen where Wanda was cooking. "You guys need help?" I asked leaning over the counter. "Grab an apron." Wanda said throwing a red apron. I started helping Wanda cook sides I started peeling potatoes throwing them in a pot. As Wanda moved to the other side of the kitchen to start cutting lettuce for a salad pops spoke up. "It's good to see you Pete I know we haven't been as close since what happens in the past but we do miss having you around." My eyes started to water a bit. "It's my fault I shouldn't have pushed you away so much you were doing what you thought was right at the time and I'm sorry I didn't try to fix our relationship." I leaned my head on his chest. There was loud boom when a building across town exploded and a smoke stack rose in the distance. "I'll be right back I said throwing the apron on the counter and running and putting my suit on. "Hey guys I'll be back." I shouted as I ran in the elevator. "Do you want us to co-" Wade yelled getting cut off by the elevator.
   As I got there I made sure no one was in the building then I webbed a fire hydrant and shot the water into the building. As the flames where going out I thought to myself '. Who would want to explode an empty building they don't just go boom by themselfs.' That's when my spider senses went haywire. As a ball flew out of the smoke of the building and just missed me but as it landed behind me it exploded. The force from the blast sent me flying into a wall knocking me out. As I fell in and out of consciousness Karen told me to "hold on Peter help is on the way" the next thing I remember was the bright glow of dads arc reactor and the fast wind on my face.

A/N cliff hanger I know I'm sorry I have to right a Halloween chapter for my other book overpowered please please please check it out

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