Honorary Heroes

813 13 4

(Gwen's P.O.V.)
   As we swung towards Central Park. I could barely hear from the two girls screaming and super hearing didn't help. "I never caught your names." I said as we finally reached the park. "I'm Doreen Green and that is Kamala Khan." The girl said jumping off Spider-Man's back.  We walk around the park till we found four trees in a row. "Ok so the rules of this competition will be best web picture wins. Me and Doreen will judge you have thirty minutes. Starting .... NOW!" Webs were slinging through the air at the trees I couldn't tell Peter was making. But I decided to go with the Empire State building in the New York skyline. I started to connect my last webs when Doreen showed "times up!" I stood back and admired my work it looked like the perfect skyline. As I stoped and looked at Peter's I laughed he attempted to make the Mona Lisa but he used a smiley face as her face. I turned to our "judges" and I could see that they were holding in laughs too. "I think spider woman takes the win on this one." Kamala said with a bit of a chuckle. Peter pretended to cry. "Oh well guess I didn't get my dads artist nature." We all laughed. The girls excused themselves to the restroom and me and Peter talked for a bit. Peter's Phone started ringing. It was his sister Teresa.
Peter: "hello?"
Teresa: "hey i day your suits tracker is at Central Park and wanted to tell you there's supposed to be a bomber there we ran into some thugs at the market talking about blowing up a civilian population just for one guy. A whistle blower he supposed to be wearing dark gray hoodie with blue pants in the black backpack. They were commanded by Fisk we just put him behind bars."
Peter: "ok we're on it."
   Peter put his phone back in his pocket. "We got a bomber in the park. Dark gray hoodie blue pants and black backpack. Lets go find him." Peter said. "Holy acorns a bomber really! It's our first mission with other heroes Miss Marvel." Doreen said from behind us but she was in a costume with a big bushy tail. "Who are you guys?" I questioned. "I'm the amazing Squirrel Girl and this is my Partner Miss Marvel." Kamala was in a red and blue dress. "Let's go find that bomb tippy toe!" Squirrel girl said as a Squirrel jumped from her tail to her shoulder. Me and Peter's mouths hung open. "Fine you can help just don't get hurt." Peter stated. "Tippy toe go tell your friends we are looking for a guy matching the description Spider-Man just gave." The Squirrel saluted and jumped into the trees. We split up and looked through the masses Spiderman squirrel girl and then me and miss marvel. I spotted a man by the entrance of Central Park looking very nervous. He also matched the description. He saw me and took off. "We got him he's heading into the trees." I said to Spider-Man over the coms. About 50 squirrels fell out of the tree and surrounded the man along with squirrel girl and Spiderman. Me and Spiderman web them up at the same time. The man started to cry. "I didn't want to do it." The beeping got louder. " InBiggen!" Miss marvel shouted as she grew ten foot long arms with massive hands. She grabbed the backpack and chucked it in the air. The bag exploded. The girls cheered. About twenty minutes later we handed the guy to the police. "Here girls if your ever need anything you can contact the avengers or us personally with this just push the "A"" Peter said handing The an avengers beacon card. "Cya around." I said as me and Peter swung off towards the tower. Suddenly the alert for the beacon went of and we swung back. "Just seeing if it works." Squirrel girl said with a chuckle.

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